ASPeN: Library Directory


Tamarack Federation: Disaster Planning for Libraries

Event Type

Event Type

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Continuing Education
Begin Date/Time

Begin Date

Enter the date when the learning event was first available.

Friday, May 14, 2021 3:45 PM
End Date/Time

End Date

Enter the date when the learning event was no longer available.

Friday, May 14, 2021 5:00 PM


The description of the event.

This session takes the knowledge gained by library staff in reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic and directs those lessons learned into improving planning for any type of disaster.  Disaster planning is an important administrative function for boards and library staff because it helps the libary to not only mitigate damage or injury at the library, but it clearly defines the role of the library as an essential second responder service agency for the community to improve outcomes for everyone.  Libraries may play a critical role in the initial response to a disaster sometimes, but they will always be critical to the recovery phase for their community.  

Attendees will learn about the incident response system that is in place in communities, regions and the nation, and explore how the assets of their library may enhance that response.  The presentation will also explore what planning libraries should have in place to keep staff and patrons safe during and following a disaster, how to mitigage damage to collections and facilities, and strategies for providing for continuation/restoration of services.  A pocket-sized response plan will be created so that all libraries attending will be ready for when a disaster strikes again. 

Please plan to have a laptop computer or tablet device availalble or print and have the handouts available.  Handouts will all be posted on this page by 5/12. 



Online Only
Online Meeting URL

Online Meeting URL



Additional Information

Continuing Education Credit(s)

Continuing Education Credits

1.5 creditsLibrary Administration
Contact Position(s)


No Contact Position Listed

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