ASPeN: Library Directory

West Yellowstone Public Library

Contacts | Staff | Board Members | Resources

Alternate Name

Alternate Name

Enter alternate names for the Organization, separated by commas if more than one.

Institution Name

Institution Name

The legally recognized name of the institution that is the umbrella organization for the organization.  For example: an organization may be a branch with its own name, but its institution is a school, university, or public organization system.

Organization Type

Organization Type

The type of organization that is displayed.  For example, select academic to see a list of the organizations associated with a college or university. 

Library - Public
Organization Phone


The phone number of the Organization.  This must be entered as a 9 digit number with no special characters (no parentheses or dashes).

(406) 646-9017
Organization Phone Extension

Phone Extension

The extension that must be dialed to reach the organization.

Organization Fax


The Organization's fax number.

Physical Address

Physical Address

The address of the Organization's physical building.

23 N Dunraven Street
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
Mailing Address

Mailing Address

The Organization's mailing address.

PO Box 370
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
Web Site URL

Website URL

The URL for the Organization's website.

Visit Website
Catalog URL

Catalog URL

The website address for the Organization's catalog.

Visit Catalog
Foundation URL

Foundation URL

The website address for a foundation that supports the organization

Social Media

Social Media

Links to any social media sites the organization may have.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Organization.

The mission of the West Yellowstone Public Library is to provide informational, educational, recreational and cultural materials and services to our community and its visitors.
Winter Hours

Winter Hours

The hours the organization is open during winter.

Tue, Thu, Fri 10 -5 pm; Wed 10-7 pm; Sat 10-1 pm; Sun-Mon Closed
Summer Hours

Summer Hours

The hours the Organization is open in the summer.

Tue, Thu, Fri 10-6 pm; Wed 10-8 pm; Sat 10-2 pm; Sun-Mon Closed
Board Meetings

Board Meetings

The date, time and location of Organization board meetings.



The county where the organization is located.

Organization Barcode

Organization Bar Code

The Organization's unique numerical identifier that appears on barcodes for Organization users and Organization materials.

School Level

School Level

The school level that the organization serves.  

Not a school


Montana has several hundred libraries.  Each of these libraries belongs to a federation which is a regional network for library services.  

Broad Valleys
Friends Group

Friends Group

If this box is checked, the Organization has a Friends group - a volunteer organization that supports Organization services.

501(c)(3) Friends Group

501c3 Friends Group

This indicates whether or not the Friends group has formally applied for IRS tax-exemption.

Organization Foundation

Organization Foundation

If this box is selected, the Organization has a foundation which is a non-profit organization that supports Organization services.

501(c)(3) Foundation

501c3 Foundation

The foundation supporting this organization has gone through the process of applying for IRS tax exemption status.

State Depository

State Depository

Some Organizations have agreed to be state depositories.  These Organizations provide access to state publications in order for the citizens of Montana to be informed about state government efforts.

Federal Depository

Federal Depository

Some Organizations have agreed to be federal depositories. These Organizations provide access to federal publications in order for the citizens of Montana to be informed about federal government efforts.



The OCLC code assigned to this library.  Many of the libraries in Montana are a part of OCLC - a non-profit cooperative that provides many of the behind the scenes tools used by Organizations.

MARC Organization Code

MARC Organization Code

The MARC Organization Code assigned to this Organization.  A MARC Organization Code is a short alphabetic code used to represent names of Organizations, organizations, and institutions that need to be identified in cataloging and in bibliographic control.

OCLC ILL Transfer Option

ILL Transfer Option

Libraries use a variety of methods for ordering materials from other Organizations for their patrons.  This service is called interlibrary loan (ILL). Libraries may use email, an ILL management system, or may even choose not to offer ILL.

Direct Request ILL & Unmediated Management
Cataloging Classification

Cataloging Classification

The cataloging classification system used by the Organization.

Dewey Decimal System
Special Resources

Special Resource

Special resource is a unique item or collection available at the Organization.

Our library has a great selection of Montana, Yellowstone Park and Fly Fishing books, audio tapes and videos.
Last Updated

Last Updated

1/11/2024 5:10:45 PM


Type Positions


DesRochers, Michele Library Director
Mentzer, Megan Staff Librarian
Powell, Samantha Staff Librarian

Board Members

Salinas, Paulina Board of Trustee Member
Heames, Sarah Board of Trustee Member

Organization Specialties

Name Date Entered Information URL
Fishing 2/25/2021

Professional Organizations

Name Date Entered Information URL

Page History