Attribute Value
Definition of Attribute Value
Scour pool, unconstrained channel |
Scour pool occurring in otherwise unconstrained river channel. Generally occurs on the outsides of bend ways or long, straight sections. |
Scour pool, base of bluff |
Scour pool located at the base of a bedrock bluff. Indicates a relatively permanent pool location bounded by a geologic constraint. If the bluff is protected by rip rap, as is the case where the railroad occupies a shelf at the base of the bluff, then it is attributed as Rip Rap Margin. |
Scour pool, base of terrace |
Scour pool located at the base of a terrace (Quarternary Alluvium). Terrace units generally were identified from LiDAR mapping as part of the Channel Migration Zone work. Indicates a relatively permanent pool location bounded by a geologic constraint. If the terrace is protected by rip rap, for whatever reason, then it is attributed as Rip Rap Margin. |
Scour Pool, riprap bottom |
Scour pool occurring in riprap constrained channel where riprap is located in the middle of the active channel area. |
Scour Pool, riprap margin |
Scour pool occurring in riprap constrained channel where riprap is located at the edge of the active channel area. |
Channel Crossover |
A transitional unit where the river is translating from one bendway or pool to the next. |
Confluence |
Areas where larger tributaries merge with the main stem and don’t fit into the traditional habitat units. |
Point Bar |
Areas in the bank full lines that show aggradation associated with the insides of a bendway. Can include exposed gravel, or areas with vegetation, as long as they lie within the bank full area. |
Side Bar |
Areas in the bank full lines that show aggradation along the sides of a channel. These bar areas create channel sinuosity at low flows but are inundated at higher or bank full flows. Can include exposed gravel, or areas with vegetation, as long as they lie within the bank full area. |
Mid-Channel Bar |
Areas in the bank full lines that show aggradation, creating islands within the low flow area. MCBs are not connected to vegetated islands (see Dry Channel). Can include exposed gravel or areas with emergent vegetation, as long as they lie within the bank full area. |
Dry Channel |
This is a general category for areas within the bank full boundaries that do not fit into Point Bar, Side Bar, Mid-channel Bar, or Island categories. They are generally associated with split flows around islands where there is exposed channel bed at low flow, but does not appear to be strictly depositional in nature, though they could still have some depositional characteristics. Can include exposed gravel or areas with vegetation, as long as they lie within the bank full area. |
Island |
Vegetated islands. |
Dam |
Habitat unit is influenced by a dam in the main channel. |
Not Mapped |
The polygon is outside of the area mapped by Jaeger. Includes all of Park and Sweet Grass Counties, and Stillwater County (Reaches A10-A14). |