Metadata for Large Scale Photogrammetric Base Map Data, Upper Clark Fork Region, Montana Metadata for Large Scale Photogrammetric Base Map Data, Upper Clark Fork Region, Montana
Identification Information:
Originator: Montana State Library
Publication date: 01/20/1992
Large Scale Photogrammetric Base Map Data, Upper Clark Fork Region, Montana
Publication place: Helena, Montana
Publisher: Montana State Library
Online linkage:
Larger Work Citation:
GIS Layers for Clark Fork Superfund Sites, Montana, 1988-2000
Online linkage:{33b14155-3366-42a0-b50c-1e21d5224fe0}
Browse graphic file name:
Browse graphic file name:

This is large-scale vector topographic map data for parts of the upper Clark Fork basin. The data cover a 2000-foot wide strip along the Clark Fork from Milltown to Warm Springs, the Deer Lodge Valley between Warm Springs and Gregson, the city of Anaconda, the floodplain of Silver Bow Creek between Gregson and Butte, and the city of Butte.

The data were digitized using photgrammetric techniques by Horizons, Inc., from aerial photos taken between 1984 and 1991. There are two copies of the data. One copy is an ESRI file geodatabase partitioned into feature datasets according to the photography dates. This data includes the text annotation provided by Horizons. The other copy is in ESRI shapefile format and does not include the annotation.

The data themes include buildings, roads, railroads, hydrography, contour lines, poles, fences, spot elvations, control points, boreholes, pipelines, trees, and wooded areas. The area covered by data from various dates is shown in the Topo_ClarkFork_1a.gif image and Photo_Index dataset that are included in the distribution.

Because the data were collected over a period of years, there are some areas that were digitized multiple times. To create a primary dataset that does not contain multiple representations of the same objects, the overlapping areas were removed from some of the feature classes and saved into a secondary "overlap" data collection. These are in the folders or feature datasets whose names start with "X", "Y", and "Z".

These data were formerly available from the Montana State Library web site but were removed because they are potentially out of date. Please contact the Federal Superfund Bureau of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality if you want these data so they may tell you if newer or better data are available. If the data are not available from the Department of Environmental Quality, you may request a copy from the Montana State Library data archive.
The data were created for the Atlantic Richfield Company to support the cleanup of Superfund sites in the upper Clark Fork area.
Supplemental information:
The feature classes have the following names according to their data themes:
building -- buildings and other structures
contour -- 10- or 25-foot contours
supcon -- 2- or 5- foot contours
spot -- spot elevations
control -- photogrammetry control points
borehole -- boreholes
culvert -- culverts
fence -- fences, walls, and guardrails
hydro_a -- drainage lines, shorelines, and water control structures
hydro_p -- area covered by lakes, streams, wetlands, and water control structures
pipeline -- pipelines
pole -- utility poles and signposts
railroad -- railroads
road -- roads, bridges, parking lots, and trails
tree -- individual tree locations
woods -- wooded areas

Milltown Reservoir was empty at the time the photos of the Milltown area were taken. The reservoir shoreline was digitized at the State Library from a 1:12,000 scale aerial photo taken in 1984. The shoreline location is approximate.

The contour interval of the data varies in different areas. The contour interval is 2 feet in the Milltown Reservoir, Anaconda, Smelter Hill, and Butte areas, 5 feet along the Clark Fork and in the Deer Lodge Valley, and 10 feet in the areas of the Yankee Doodle Tailings pond and the ridges north and east of Butte.

Time period of content:
Beginning date: 11/08/1984
Ending date: 06/15/1991
Currentness reference: Ground Condition
Access constraints: None
Use constraints:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
Point of contact:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

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Data Quality Information:
Completeness report:
Completeness depends upon how thorough the photogrammetrists were at interpreting and digitizing the photographs. In the areas listed as being 1:2400 scale, it appears that an attempt was made to digitize the location of every visible structure. In some of the areas listed as being 1:4800 or 1:6000 scale, it appears that only very large structures were digitized - buildings the size of private homes are not shown.

Topographic contour lines are not shown where they pass through structures.

Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report:
Assuming the source data meets National Map Accuracy Standards, the approximate horizontal accuracy is 4 feet, or 1.2 meters, in areas mapped to 1:2400 scale and 8 feet, or 2.4 meters, in areas mapped to 1:4800 scale.

Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Title: Milltown Reservoir aerial photos of 8/1/89.
Other citation details:
1635 Deadwood Avenue
Rapid City, South Dakota, 57709
Source scale denominator: 6000
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data in the Milltown Reservoir area. These data were digitized to be accurate at scales up to 1:2400.
Calendar date: 08/01/1989
Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Title: Clark Fork corridor aerial photos of 5/5/89
Source scale denominator: 8400
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data along the Clark Fork between Milltown and Warm Springs. These data were digitized to be accurate at scales up to 1:4800.
Calendar date: 05/05/1989
Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Anaconda (west), Galen, and Gregson area aerial photos of 10/3/90
Source scale denominator: 8400
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data in the central and western parts of the city of Anaconda, the area north of Warm Springs, and the area around Gregson and Crackerville. It was digitized to be accurate to 1:2400 scale in Anaconda and 1:4800 around Gregson and north of Warm Springs.
Calendar date: 10/03/1990
Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Title: Opportunity/Warm Springs aerial photos of 11/8/84
Source scale denominator: 24000
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data around Warm Springs Pongs, Opportunity Ponds, and Opportunity. The data were digitized to be accurate at scales up to 1:4800.
Calendar date: 11/08/1984
Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Anaconda (east), Old Works, and Smelter Hill aerial photos of 1988
Source scale denominator: 6400
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data on the east side of Anaconda and on Smelter Hill. It was digitized to be accurate at scales up to 1:2400.
Calendar date: 10/29/1988
Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Title: Silver Bow Creek and Butte (east) aerial photos of 6/15/91
Source scale denominator: 7200
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data between Gregson and Butte, and the south and east parts of Butte. These data were digitized to be accurate at scales up to 1:2400.
Calendar date: 06/15/1991
Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Title: Butte aerial photos of 4/18/89.
Source scale denominator: 7200
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data in the central part of Butte. These data were digitized to be accurate at scales up to 1:2400.
Calendar date: 04/18/1989
Source information:
Originator: Horizons, Incorporated
Publication date: Unpublished material
Title: Yankee Doodle and East Ridge aerial photos of 10/20/87
Source scale denominator: 16000
Type of source media: stable base media
Source contribution:
This is the source of the data in the area northeast of Butte. These data were digitized to be accurate at scales up to 1:6000.
Calendar date: 10/20/1987

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Spatial Data Organization Information:
Point and vector object information:
SDTS object type: Point
SDTS object count: 84045
SDTS object type: Line
SDTS object count: 159815
SDTS object type: Polygon
SDTS object count: 55495
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Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Grid coordinate system name: State Plane Coordinate System 1983
SPCS zone identifier: 2500
Lambert conformal conic:
Standard parallel: 45
Standard parallel: 49
Longitude of central meridian: -109.5
Latitude of projection origin: 44.25
False easting: 600000.00000
False northing: 0.00000
Planar distance units: meters
Geodetic model:
Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major axis: 6378137
Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257
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Entity and Attribute Information:
Entity type label: Contour lines

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Type of Contour

Definition of
Attribute Value
Contour -
Depression Contour -
Obscured Contour -
Obscured Depression Contour -
Depression Contour -
Cliff -
Rock -

Attribute label: ELEVATION
Attribute definition: Elevation, feet

Attribute label: INDEX
Attribute definition:
Contour interval - each contour is assigned the largest value that it's elevation is divisible by

Definition of
Attribute Value
2 -
5 -
10 -
20 -
25 -
50 -
100 -
200 -
500 -
1000 -

Entity type label: Spot elevations

Attribute label: X
Attribute definition: Easting, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Y
Attribute definition: Northing, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Z
Attribute definition: Elevation, feet

Entity type label: Hydrography lines

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Hydrography arc type

Definition of
Attribute Value
Map Boundary -
Culvert -
Drainage Line -
Lake -
Stream -
Swamp -
Dam -
Swimming Pool -
Dike -
Estimated Shoreline -
Submerged Drainage Line -
Submerged Lake -
Submerged Stream -
Metro Storm Drain - Added 8/22/90 -
Deleted arc - 8/22/90 -

Entity type label: Hydrography polygons

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Hydrography polygon type

Definition of
Attribute Value
Water -
Swamp -
Dam -
Inundation Area -
Not Inundated -

Entity type label: Road lines

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Road type

Definition of
Attribute Value
Asphalt Road -
Driveway -
Paved Driveway -
Gravel Road -
Asphalt Parking -
Gravel Parking -
Trail -
Bridge -
Wingwall -
Athletic Track -
Alley -
Walkway - Unpaved -
Curb -
Walkway - Paved -
Pavement Change Line -
Concrete Road -
Runway -
Taxiway -
Parking - Paved -
Shoulder - Asphalt -

Entity type label: Building polygons

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Building polygon type

Definition of
Attribute Value
Building -
Building - Under Construction -
Located Object -
Concrete Pad -
Tank -
Recreation Court -
Foundation -
Communications Tower -
Utility Box -
Water Tank -
Mine Headframe or Hoist Tower -

Entity type label: Fence lines

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Type of fence

Definition of
Attribute Value
Cattleguard -
Fence -
Gate -
Wall -
Guardrail -
Wingwall -
Retaining Wall -
Sign -
Recreation Area -
Athletic Field -
Play area -

Entity type label: Pole locations

Attribute label: X
Attribute definition: Easting, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Y
Attribute definition: Northing, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Z
Attribute definition: Elevation, feet

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Pole type

Definition of
Attribute Value
Pole -
Electrical Distribution Pole -
Electrical Dist. Pole with Light -
Street Light -
Sign Post -
Utility Box -
Located Object -
Electric Dist. Pole w/ Transformer -
Manhole -
Transmission Tower -
Traffic Signal with Light -

Entity type label: Wooded area polygons

Entity type label: Tree locations

Attribute label: X
Attribute definition: Easting, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Y
Attribute definition: Northing, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Z
Attribute definition: Elevation, feet

Entity type label: Culvert opening locations

Attribute label: X
Attribute definition: Easting, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Y
Attribute definition: Northing, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Z
Attribute definition: Elevation, feet

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Culvert type

Definition of
Attribute Value
Culvert -
Storm Drain -

Entity type label: Control Point locations

Attribute label: X
Attribute definition: Easting, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Y
Attribute definition: Northing, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Z
Attribute definition: Elevation, feet

Attribute label: F_TYPE
Attribute definition: Control point type

Definition of
Attribute Value
Vertical Control -
Vertical Control -
Horizontal Control -
PG2/DSR Control -
Ground Control -
Horizontal/Vertical Control -
Section Corner -
Offset Section Corner -
Quarter Section Corner -

Entity type label: Borehole locations

Attribute label: X
Attribute definition: Easting, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Y
Attribute definition: Northing, local coordinate system, feet

Attribute label: Z
Attribute definition: Elevation, feet

Entity type label: Pipe lines

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Distribution Information:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 1-406-444-5354

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Distribution liability:
The Montana State Library Geographic Information Services provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
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Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata date: 07/25/2014
Metadata review date: 05/26/2010
Metadata review date: 02/19/2007
Metadata review date: 09/29/2004
Metadata review date: 04/19/1996
Metadata contact:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

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