Metadata for Species Occurrence Data for Animal Species of Concern in Montana Metadata for Species Occurrence Data for Animal Species of Concern in Montana
Identification Information:
Originator: Montana Natural Heritage Program
Species Occurrence Data for Animal Species of Concern in Montana
Publication place: Helena, MT
Publisher: Montana Natural Heritage Program
Online linkage:
Online linkage:
Online linkage:
Online linkage:

The Species Occurrence (SO) records include information on the location, status, characteristics, numbers, condition, and distribution of Animal Species of Concern using established Natural Heritage Methodology developed by NatureServe and The Natural Heritage Network. A Species Occurrence (SO) is an area of land and/or water in which a species is, or was, present. An SO should have practical conservation value for the species as evidenced by potential continued (or historical) presence and/or regular recurrence at a given location. SO records are most commonly created for current or historically known occurrences of native species of conservation interest. They may also be created, in some cases, for extirpated occurrences. Animal Species Occurrences are based on Observations from the Montana Natural Heritage program's Point Observation Database (POD). Observations are reviewed for evidence of sustained presence (for example, breeding evidence) and SOs are created from those that meet established criteria for species. In many cases, an SO will represent several Observations, or visits, to a given location.
The Species Occurrence (SO) data are collected and maintained by the Montana Natural Heritage Program using a standardized methodology to provide accurate and current biodiversity and conservation information to public and private agencies and individuals. The primary emphasis is on species that are rare or otherwise imperiled (Species of Concern). Uses of the data can include: natural resource management, conservation planning, environmental review, biological and ecological research, land acquisition, and economic development.
Supplemental information:
Species Occurrences are updated on a continual basis as new data are received and reviewed.

Time period of content:
Currentness reference: Data are continuously updated.
Progress: In work
Maintenance and update frequency: Continually
Access constraints:
Heritage information is only for the intended use of the individual or organization who requested it. This database and accompanying files may not be distributed in any way without the written consent of the Montana Natural Heritage Program. Use of the data are subject to the terms of a license developed between the Montana Natural Heritage Program and the information requester. The Heritage Data are licensed only to the agency or individual who subscribed to it. Providing Heritage's digital database data to a non-subscribing individual or agency is prohibited.
Use constraints:
Use of the Species Occurrence Data for Animal Species of Concern in Montana are governed by a signed data use agreement which is available upon request.
Point of contact:
Montana Natural Heritage Program
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5363

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Data Quality Information:
Attribute accuracy report:
The database is dependent on the research and observations of many scientists and individuals. In most cases this information is not the result of comprehensive site-specific field surveys, and is not confirmed by Heritage staff. Many areas have never been thoroughly surveyed, and new observations are still being discovered. Database information should never be regarded as final statements or substituted for on-site surveys required for environmental assessments.

Logical consistency report:
Plotted locations are checked against standard digital themes such as counties, watershed, and lat/long quadrangles, and Township, Range, and Section.
Completeness report:
All data are provided as is. The Montana Natural Heritage Program makes no warranty as to the currency, completeness, or accuracy of any specific data. Since the data in the Montana Natural Heritage Program databases are continually being updated, it is advisable to refresh data received at least once a year after its receipt. The data provided are for planning, assessment, and informational purposes. The data should not be considered a definitive statement on the presence, absence, or condition of biological elements at any given location. The lack of data for any geographic area cannot be construed to mean that no significant features are present. Species Occurrence information is derived from site visits, published or unpublished literature, museum specimens, and personal communications. Not all information is known or made available to the Natural Heritage Program. Many areas have not been adequately explored and new locations of species are continuously being discovered. Heritage information provides the best warning that an area may be rich in rare elements, but cannot be used to assess the opposite. Therefore, biological experts for certain species or land areas should be contacted to reconfirm species location and status.

Taxonomic Completeness:
SO data are tracked for all imperiled (G1/T1 - G2/T2) species and all federally Threatened and Endangered Species found within Montana when data are available. Additional "Species of Concern" for Montana are also tracked. Vertebrates, Invertebrates, and Fish are tracked when applicable.

Geographic Completeness: In general, data are state-wide. However, there are some areas of the state where data are sparse. There are several large parcels of tribal lands scattered across the state, and data are often not available from these areas. Also, some areas have high concentrations of private lands where access to land for data collection is restricted

Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report:
SO locations are typically gathered via GPS unit or plotted against standard digital themes such as DRG topographical maps or digital photographs. Locational Uncertainty is estimated where the precise location is unknown or to represent the spatial extent of of the observation.


Process step:
For most animal species, SO's are based on information found in the POD and BirdPOD Point Observation Databases. This data is reviewed annually and SO's are recreated to incorporate new and updated data.
Process date: Ongoing
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Spatial Data Organization Information:
Point and vector object information:
SDTS object type: G-polygon
SDTS object count: 37566
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Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Grid coordinate system name: State Plane Coordinate System
SPCS zone identifier: 2500
Lambert conformal conic:
Standard parallel: 45.000000
Standard parallel: 49.000000
Longitude of central meridian: -109.500000
Latitude of projection origin: 44.250000
False easting: 600000.000000
False northing: 0.000000
Planar distance units: meters
Geodetic model:
Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257222
Altitude system definition:
Altitude encoding method:
Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
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Entity and Attribute Information:
Entity type label:
Animal SO's
Entity type definition: Animal Species Occurrence Polygons

Attribute label: OBJECTID
Attribute definition: Internal feature number.
Attribute domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute label: SHAPE
Attribute definition: Feature geometry.
Attribute domain: Coordinates defining the features.

Attribute label: SO_ID
Attribute definition: Unique identifier for each animal species occurrence

Attribute label: POLYID
Attribute definition:
SO_ID 10000000 in order to create a unique identifier field when combined with Plant SO's.

Attribute label: SO_NUM
Attribute definition:
Number that identifies the particular occurrence within the species

Attribute label: ELCODE
Attribute definition:
Unique code for each species, roughly taxonomically sortable.

Attribute label: Species_Group
Attribute definition: Broad taxonomic group of the species.

Attribute label: S_Sci_Name
Attribute definition: Scientific name for the species.

Attribute label: S_Com_Name
Attribute definition: Common name for the species.

Attribute label: Family_Sci_Name
Attribute definition: Taxonomic family which the species belongs to

Attribute label: Order_Sci_Name
Attribute definition: Taxonomic order which the species belongs to

Attribute label: Class_Sci_Name
Attribute definition: Taxonomic class which the species belongs to

Attribute label: Short_Habitat
Attribute definition:
Brief description of the main habitat in which the species is found.

Attribute label: G_Rank
Attribute definition: Global rank
Attribute domain: See entity and attribute overview.

Attribute label: S_Rank
Attribute definition: Subnational rank
Attribute domain: See entity and attribute overview.

Attribute label: S_Rank_Reasons
Attribute definition:
Reasons that the S_RANK was assigned, including key ranking variables and other considerations used

Attribute label: MT_Status
Attribute definition: Montana Species of Concern or other status.

Definition of
Attribute Value
SOC Species of Concern: Species of Concern are native taxa that are at-risk due to declining population trends, threats to their habitats, restricted distribution, and/or other factors. Designation as a Montana Species of Concern or Potential Species of Concern is based on the Montana Status Rank, and is not a statutory or regulatory classification. Rather, these designations provide information that helps resource managers make proactive decisions regarding species conservation and data collection priorities.

Definition of
Attribute Value
PSOC Potential Species of Concern: Potential Species of Concern are native taxa for which current, often limited, information suggests potential vulnerability. Also included are animal species which additional data are needed before an accurate status assessment can be made.

Definition of
Attribute Value
SSS Special Status Species: Special Status Species are species that have some legal protections in place, but are otherwise not recognized as federally listed under the Endangered Species Act and are not Montana Species of Concern. Bald Eagles are a Special Status Species because, although they are no longer protected under the Endangered Species Act and are also no longer a Montana Species of Concern, they are still protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 (16 U.S.C. 668-668c).

Definition of
Attribute Value
IAH Important Animal Habitat: Habitats that are especially important for sustaining populations of individual species or multiple species during particular time periods or throughout the year are designated Important Animal Habitat. These areas include: (1) bat roosting areas such as maternity roosts, hibernacula, and bachelor roosts; (2) bird rookeries where species congregate in large numbers to breed, incubate eggs, and raise young due to protections from predators or availability of critical resources; and (3) stopover areas for migratory birds that provide critical food resources that sustain migration. Important animal habitats that have been mapped are included with other information that is provided for environmental reviews.

Attribute label: USFS
Attribute definition:
The status of species on U.S. Forest Service lands. These taxa are listed as such by the Regional Forester (Northern Region).

Definition of
Attribute Value
Endangered Listed as Endangered (LE) by the USFWS.

Definition of
Attribute Value
Threatened Listed as Threatened (LT) by the USFWS.

Definition of
Attribute Value
Sensitive Any species for which the Regional Forester has determined there is a concern for population viability within the state, as evidenced by a significant current or predicted downward trend in populations or habitat.

Definition of
Attribute Value
Species of Concern USFS Species-of-Concern (FSH 1909.12, 43.22b) are species for which the Responsible Official determines management actions may be necessary to prevent listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Definition of
Attribute Value
Species of Interest USFS Species-of-Interest (FSH 1909.12, 43.22c) are species for which the Responsible Official determines that management actions may be necessary or desirable to achieve ecological or other multiple-use objectives.

Attribute label: BLM
Attribute definition:
The status of species on U.S. Bureau of Land Management lands.

Definition of
Attribute Value
Sensitive Species that normally occur on Bureau administered lands for which BLM has the capability to significantly affect the conservation status of the species through management.

Definition of
Attribute Value
Special Status The State Director may designate additional categories of special status species as appropriate and applicable to his or her state's needs.

Attribute label: USESA
Attribute definition:
Value that indicates the current status of the taxon as designated or proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, and as reported in the U.S. Federal Register in accordance with the U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Statuses include candidates for listing as reported by either of these agencies in the U.S. Federal Register. A taxon may have more than one status, due either to recent proposed changes, or differences across its range.

Definition of
Attribute Value
LE Listed endangered

Definition of
Attribute Value
PE Proposed endangered

Definition of
Attribute Value
LT Listed threatened

Definition of
Attribute Value
PT Proposed threatened

Definition of
Attribute Value
E(S/A) or T(S/A) Any species listed endangered or threatened because of similarity of appearance.

Definition of
Attribute Value
C Candidate

Definition of
Attribute Value
PDL Proposed for delisting

Definition of
Attribute Value
DM Recovered, delisted, and being monitored

Definition of
Attribute Value
NL Not listed

Definition of
Attribute Value
XE Essential experimental population

Definition of
Attribute Value
XN Nonessential experimental population

Definition of
Attribute Value
PS Partial Status

Attribute label: USESA_Com
Attribute definition:
Any comments necessary to explain the designated status of the taxon under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (USESA) (entered in the associated USESA field).

Attribute label: PIF_Montana
Attribute definition: Partners In Flight conservation status score for Montana

Attribute label: CFWCS_Tier_ID
Attribute definition:
Tier status from MTFWP's Comprehensive Fish and Wildlife Conservation Strategy

Attribute label: Survey_Site_Name
Attribute definition: Name of survey site - brief location description

Attribute label: First_Obs_Date
Attribute definition: Date that the SO was first reported at the site

Attribute label: Last_Obs_date
Attribute definition: Date that the SO was last observed to be extant at the site

Attribute label: Last_Survey_Date
Attribute definition:
Most recent survey date, whether the species was observed or not

Attribute label: SO_Data
Attribute definition:
Additional information known about the occurrence, if applicable

Attribute label: Acres
Attribute definition: Area of the occurrence in acres, calculated by the GIS

Attribute label: SO_Delineation_Criteria
Attribute definition: Description of EO delineation methods

Attribute label: FG_Link
Attribute definition: URL for the MTNHP field guide page for the species

Entity and attribute overview:

Montana employs a standardized ranking system to denote global (G) and state (S) status (NatureServe 2003). Species are assigned numeric ranks ranging from 1 (critically imperiled) to 5 (demonstrably secure), reflecting the relative degree to which they are "at-risk". Rank definitions are given below. A number of factors are considered in assigning ranks - the number, size and distribution of known "occurrences" or populations, population trends (if known), habitat sensitivity, life history traits and threats.

For example, Clustered lady's slipper (Cypripedium fasciculatum) is ranked G4 S2. Globally the species is uncommon but not vulnerable, while in Montana it is at risk because of limited and potentially declining numbers, extent and/or habitat.

G1 S1
At high risk because of extremely limited and potentially declining numbers, extent and/or habitat, making it highly vulnerable to global extinction or extirpation in the state.
G2 S2
At risk because of very limited and potentially declining numbers, extent and/or habitat, making it vulnerable to global extinction or extirpation in the state.
G3 S3
Potentially at risk because of limited and potentially declining numbers, extent and/or habitat, even though it may be abundant in some areas.
G4 S4
Uncommon but not rare (although it may be rare in parts of its range), and usually widespread. Apparently not vulnerable in most of its range, but possibly cause for long-term concern.
G5 S5
Common, widespread, and abundant (although it may be rare in parts of its range). Not vulnerable in most of its range.
Presumed Extinct or Extirpated - Species is believed to be extinct throughout its range or extirpated in Montana. Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and small likelihood that it will ever be rediscovered.
Possibly Extinct or Extirpated - Species is known only from historical records, but may nevertheless still be extant; additional surveys are needed.
Not yet ranked.
Unrankable - Species currently unrankable due to lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends.
A conservation status rank is not applicable for one of the following reasons:
The taxa is of Hybrid Origin; is Exotic or Introduced; is Accidental or is Not Confidently Present in the state. (see other codes below)

Other Codes and Modifiers:

Hybrid-Entity not ranked because it represents an interspecific hybrid and not a species.
Infraspecific Taxon (trinomial) - The status of infraspecific taxa (subspecies or varieties) are indicated by a "T-rank" following the species' global rank.
Inexact Numeric Rank - Denotes inexact numeric rank.
Questionable taxonomy that may reduce conservation priority-Distinctiveness of this entity as a taxon at the current level is questionable; resolution of this uncertainty may result in change from a species to a subspecies or hybrid, or inclusion of this taxon in another taxon, with the resulting taxon having a lower-priority (numerically higher) conservation status rank.
Captive or Cultivated Only - Species at present is extant only in captivity or cultivation, or as a reintroduced population not yet established.
Accidental - Species is accidental or casual in Montana, in other words, infrequent and outside usual range. Includes species (usually birds or butterflies) recorded once or only a few times at a location. A few of these species may have bred on the one or two occasions they were recorded.
Synonym - Species reported as occurring in Montana, but the Montana Natural Heritage Program does not recognize the taxon; therefore the species is not assigned a rank.
Breeding - Rank refers to the breeding population of the species in Montana.
Nonbreeding - Rank refers to the non-breeding population of the species in Montana.
Migratory - Species occurs in Montana on during migration.
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Distribution Information:
Montana Natural Heritage Program
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5363

Resource description: Offline Data

Distribution liability:
The Element Occurrence database is a statewide inventory of KNOWN locations and conditions of sensitive species. Users need to recognize that parts of the state have not yet been inventoried. Thus an "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Nor does the presence of one element imply that other elements were surveyed for but not found.

The Montana Natural heritage Program (MTNHP) products and services are based on biological data and the objective interpretation of those data by professional scientists. MTNHP does not advocate any particular philosophy of natural resource protection, management, development, or public policy. MTNHP has no natural resource management or regulatory authority. Products, statements, and services from MTNHP are intended to inform parties as to the state of scientific knowledge about certain natural resources, and to further develop that knowledge. They are not intended as natural resource management guidelines or prescriptions.

Species range maps, habitat models, occurrence polygons, and other predictions of the spatial distribution of biological resources produced by MTNHP are objective extrapolations of credible data. They are intended to inform parties of the known occurrence or the likelihood of the presence of those resources, guide future surveys for those resources, and to test hypotheses regarding habitat quality and abundance. They are not intended to substitute for field-collected data, nor are they intended to be the sole bases for natural resource management decisions. We do not portray our databases as exhaustive or comprehensive inventories of rare species or of significant natural features. Field verification of the absence or presence of sensitive species will always be an important obligation of users of our data.

The Montana Natural Heritage Program assumes no liability for the use or mis-use of this data

Standard order process:
Fees: None for standard requests.
Ordering instructions: Please contact the Montana Natural Heritage Program.
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Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata date: 08/04/2016
Metadata review date: 02/26/2021
Metadata contact:
Montana Natural Heritage Program
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5363

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