Metadata for Hazardous Waste Shipped from Montana, 1986-1992 Metadata for Hazardous Waste Shipped from Montana, 1986-1992
Identification Information:
Originator: Montana State Library
Publication date: 12/01/1993
Title: Hazardous Waste Shipped from Montana, 1986-1992
Publication place: Helena, Montana
Publisher: Montana State Library
Other citation details:
The former names of layers on the NRIS web site derived from these data sets were "ds18" and "ds28"
Online linkage:
Browse graphic file name:

These data consist of a table containing Montana Solid and Hazardous Waste Bureau Annual Report data for annual hazardous waste shipments from various facilities, along with GIS layers summarizing the shipments by the towns that contain the facilities and the shipment destinations by state. The GIS layers each have approximately 80 columns that summarize the waste by type and by year from 1986 through 1992. The 1992 data are preliminary.

These data were formerly available from the Montana State Library web site but were removed because they are potentially out of date. Please contact the Federal Superfund Bureau of the Montana Department of Environmental Quality if you want these data so they may tell you if newer or better data are available. If the data are not available from the Department of Environmental Quality, you may request a copy from the Montana State Library data archive.

Time period of content:
Beginning date: 1986
Ending date: 1992
Currentness reference: ground condition
Access constraints: None
Use constraints:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
Point of contact:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

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Data Quality Information:
Source information:
Montana Solid and Hazardous Waste Bureau
Department of Health and Environmental Sciences
Publication date: 04/01/1993
Title: Solid and Hazardous Waste Bureau Annual Reports
Publication place: Helena, MT
Publisher: Montana Solid and Hazardous Waste Bureau
Beginning date: 1986
Ending date: 1992

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Entity and Attribute Information:
Entity type label: HazWasteReports1986_1992

Attribute label: COMPANY
Attribute definition: Company reporting hazardous waste

Attribute label: CITY
Attribute definition: City that the waste was located in

Attribute label: YEAR
Attribute definition: Year report was made

Attribute label: DESCRIPTION
Attribute definition: Full description of the waste material

Attribute label: TONS
Attribute definition: Weight of the material in tons

Attribute label: TYPE
Attribute definition: Code for type of waste

Definition of
Attribute Value
D000 Hazardous wastes which exhibit toxicity
D001 Hazardous wastes which exhibit ignitability
D002 Hazardous wastes which exhibit corrosivity
D003 Hazardous wastes which exhibit reactivity
P000 Acutely hazardous chemical wastes
U000 Other hazardous chemical wastes
K000 Hazardous wastes from specific industrial sources
F000 Hazardous wastes from non-specific sources
M000 Mixed types of hazardous waste

Attribute label: DESTINATION
Attribute definition:
Code for disposal site of the waste
We do not have explanations of the DESTINATION codes, except that the first two characters are the abbreviation of the State that the destination is in.

Entity type label: HazWasteSource1992

Attribute label: CITY
Attribute definition: Name of city

Attribute label: TONS
Attribute definition: total waste 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: T86
Attribute definition: total waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: T87
Attribute definition: total waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: T88
Attribute definition: total waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: T89
Attribute definition: total waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: T90
Attribute definition: total waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: T91
Attribute definition: total waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: T92
Attribute definition: total waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: TD0
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TD1
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TD2
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TD3
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TF0
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TK0
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TM0
Attribute definition: mixed type waste, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TP0
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1986-92, tons

Attribute label: TU0
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chems, 86-92, tons

Attribute label: D086T
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D087T
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D088T
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D089T
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D090T
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D091T
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D092T
Attribute definition: toxic waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: D186T
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D187T
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D188T
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D189T
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D190T
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D191T
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D192T
Attribute definition: flammable waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: D286T
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D287T
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D288T
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D289T
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D290T
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D291T
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D292T
Attribute definition: corrosive waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: D386T
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D387T
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D388T
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D389T
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D390T
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D391T
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D392T
Attribute definition: reactive waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: F086T
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1986, tons

Attribute label: F087T
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1987, tons

Attribute label: F088T
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1988, tons

Attribute label: F089T
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1989, tons

Attribute label: F090T
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1990, tons

Attribute label: F091T
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1991, tons

Attribute label: F092T
Attribute definition: non-specific sources, 1992, tons

Attribute label: K086T
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1986, tons

Attribute label: K087T
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1987, tons

Attribute label: K088T
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1988, tons

Attribute label: K089T
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1989, tons

Attribute label: K090T
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1990, tons

Attribute label: K091T
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1991, tons

Attribute label: K092T
Attribute definition: specific industrial sources, 1992, tons

Attribute label: M086T
Attribute definition: mixed types of waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: M087T
Attribute definition: mixed types of waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: M088T
Attribute definition: mixed types of waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: M089T
Attribute definition: mixed types of waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: M090T
Attribute definition: mixed types of waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: M091T
Attribute definition: mixed types of waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: M092T
Attribute definition: mixed types of waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: P086T
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1986, tons

Attribute label: P087T
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1987, tons

Attribute label: P088T
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1988, tons

Attribute label: P089T
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1989, tons

Attribute label: P090T
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1990, tons

Attribute label: P091T
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1991, tons

Attribute label: P092T
Attribute definition: acutely hazardous chemicals, 1992, tons

Attribute label: U086T
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 86, tons

Attribute label: U087T
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 87, tons

Attribute label: U088T
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 88, tons

Attribute label: U089T
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 89, tons

Attribute label: U090T
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 90, tons

Attribute label: U091T
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 91, tons

Attribute label: U092T
Attribute definition: non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 92, tons

Entity type label: HazWasteDestination1992

Attribute label: FIPS
Attribute definition: State FIPS code

Attribute label: POSTAL
Attribute definition: Post Office state abbreviation

Attribute label: NAME
Attribute definition: Name of state

Attribute label: POPULATION
Attribute definition: 1980 Census, in thousands

Attribute label: D00086
Attribute definition: Toxic waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D00087
Attribute definition: Toxic waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D00088
Attribute definition: Toxic waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D00089
Attribute definition: Toxic waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D00090
Attribute definition: Toxic waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D00091
Attribute definition: Toxic waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D00092
Attribute definition: Toxic waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: D000TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total toxic waste, tons

Attribute label: D00186
Attribute definition: Flammable waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D00187
Attribute definition: Flammable waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D00188
Attribute definition: Flammable waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D00189
Attribute definition: Flammable waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D00190
Attribute definition: Flammable waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D00191
Attribute definition: Flammable waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D00192
Attribute definition: Flammable waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: D001TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total flammable waste, tons

Attribute label: D00286
Attribute definition: Corrosive waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D00287
Attribute definition: Corrosive waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D00288
Attribute definition: Corrosive waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D00289
Attribute definition: Corrosive waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D00290
Attribute definition: Corrosive waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D00291
Attribute definition: Corrosive waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D00292
Attribute definition: Corrosive waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: D002TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total corrosive waste, tons

Attribute label: D00386
Attribute definition: Reactive waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: D00387
Attribute definition: Reactive waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: D00388
Attribute definition: Reactive waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: D00389
Attribute definition: Reactive waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: D00390
Attribute definition: Reactive waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: D00391
Attribute definition: Reactive waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: D00392
Attribute definition: Reactive waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: D003TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total reactive waste, tons

Attribute label: F00086
Attribute definition: Non-specific source waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: F00087
Attribute definition: Non-specific source waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: F00088
Attribute definition: Non-specific source waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: F00089
Attribute definition: Non-specific source waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: F00090
Attribute definition: Non-specific source waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: F00091
Attribute definition: Non-specific source waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: F00092
Attribute definition: Non-specific source waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: F000TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total non-specific source waste, tons

Attribute label: K00086
Attribute definition: Specific industrial sources, 1986, tons

Attribute label: K00087
Attribute definition: Specific industrial sources, 1987, tons

Attribute label: K00088
Attribute definition: Specific industrial sources, 1988, tons

Attribute label: K00089
Attribute definition: Specific industrial sources, 1989, tons

Attribute label: K00090
Attribute definition: Specific industrial sources, 1990, tons

Attribute label: K00091
Attribute definition: Specific industrial sources, 1991, tons

Attribute label: K00092
Attribute definition: Specific industrial sources, 1992, tons

Attribute label: K000TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total Specific industrial sources, tons

Attribute label: M00086
Attribute definition: Mixed types of waste, 1986, tons

Attribute label: M00087
Attribute definition: Mixed types of waste, 1987, tons

Attribute label: M00088
Attribute definition: Mixed types of waste, 1988, tons

Attribute label: M00089
Attribute definition: Mixed types of waste, 1989, tons

Attribute label: M00090
Attribute definition: Mixed types of waste, 1990, tons

Attribute label: M00091
Attribute definition: Mixed types of waste, 1991, tons

Attribute label: M00092
Attribute definition: Mixed types of waste, 1992, tons

Attribute label: M000TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total mixed type waste, tons

Attribute label: P00086
Attribute definition: Acutely hazardous chemicals, 1986, tons

Attribute label: P00087
Attribute definition: Acutely hazardous chemicals, 1987, tons

Attribute label: P00088
Attribute definition: Acutely hazardous chemicals, 1988, tons

Attribute label: P00089
Attribute definition: Acutely hazardous chemicals, 1989, tons

Attribute label: P00090
Attribute definition: Acutely hazardous chemicals, 1990, tons

Attribute label: P00091
Attribute definition: Acutely hazardous chemicals, 1991, tons

Attribute label: P00092
Attribute definition: Acutely hazardous chemicals, 1992, tons

Attribute label: P000TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total acutely hazardous chemicals, tons

Attribute label: U00086
Attribute definition: Non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 86, tons

Attribute label: U00087
Attribute definition: Non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 87, tons

Attribute label: U00088
Attribute definition: Non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 88, tons

Attribute label: U00089
Attribute definition: Non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 89, tons

Attribute label: U00090
Attribute definition: Non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 90, tons

Attribute label: U00091
Attribute definition: Non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 91, tons

Attribute label: U00092
Attribute definition: Non-acutely hazardous chemicals, 92, tons

Attribute label: U000TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total non-acutely hazardous chems, tons

Attribute label: TOT86
Attribute definition: Total waste in 1986, tons

Attribute label: TOT87
Attribute definition: Total waste in 1987, tons

Attribute label: TOT88
Attribute definition: Total waste in 1988, tons

Attribute label: TOT89
Attribute definition: Total waste in 1989, tons

Attribute label: TOT90
Attribute definition: Total waste in 1990, tons

Attribute label: TOT91
Attribute definition: Total waste in 1991, tons

Attribute label: TOT92
Attribute definition: Total waste in 1992, tons

Attribute label: TOTAL
Attribute definition: Total waste, 1986-1992, tons

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Distribution Information:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Distribution liability:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
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Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata date: 08/25/2014
Metadata contact:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354

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