Attribute Value
Definition of Attribute Value
1100 |
Urban or Developed Lands |
2010 |
Agricultural Lands - Dry |
2020 |
Agricultural Lands - Irrigated |
3110 |
Altered Herbaceous |
3130 |
Very Low Cover Grasslands |
3150 |
Low/Moderate Cover Grasslands |
3170 |
Moderate/High Cover Grasslands |
3180 |
Montane Parklands and Subalpine Meadows |
3200 |
Mixed Mesic Shrubs |
3300 |
Mixed Xeric Shrubs |
3309 |
Silver Sage |
3310 |
Salt-Desert Shrub/Dry Salt Flats |
3350 |
Sagebrush |
3510 |
Mesic Shrub-Grassland Associations |
3520 |
Xeric Shrub-Grassland Associations |
4000 |
Low Density Xeric Forest |
4140 |
Mixed Broadleaf Forest |
4203 |
Lodgepole Pine |
4205 |
Limber Pine |
4206 |
Ponderosa Pine |
4207 |
Grand Fir |
4210 |
Western Red Cedar |
4211 |
Western Hemlock |
4212 |
Douglas-fir |
4214 |
Rocky Mountain Juniper |
4215 |
Western Larch |
4216 |
Utah Juniper |
4223 |
Douglas-fir/Lodgepole Pine |
4260 |
Mixed Whitebark Pine Forest |
4270 |
Mixed Subalpine Forest |
4280 |
Mixed Mesic Forest |
4290 |
Mixed Xeric Forest |
4300 |
Mixed Broadleaf and Conifer Forest |
4400 |
Standing Burnt Forest |
5000 |
Water |
6110 |
Conifer Riparian |
6120 |
Broadleaf Riparian |
6130 |
Mixed Broadleaf and Conifer Riparian |
6200 |
Graminoid and Forb Riparian |
6300 |
Shrub Riparian |
6400 |
Mixed Riparian |
7300 |
Rock |
7500 |
Mines, Quarries, Gravel Pits |
7600 |
Badlands |
7604 |
Missouri Breaks |
7800 |
Mixed Barren Sites |
8100 |
Alpine Meadows |
9100 |
Snowfields or Ice |
9800 |
Clouds |
9900 |
Cloud Shadows |