Senate District 39

Senator Gene Vuckovich (D)

1205 W 3rd St
Anaconda, MT 59711-1801

Square Miles: 2884.1

Senate District 39 Resources

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Senate District 39 Detail

DemographicsSenate District 39
Population Change
Total Population 2000 20,074
Total Population 201020,107
Percent of change from 2000 to 2010 Census0.16%
Total Reported
Age 5 to 9 Years 1,002
10 to 14 Years 1,048
15 to 17 Years 763
18 to 19 Years 503
20 to 24 Years 1,115
25 to 34 Years 2,125
35 to 44 Years 2,440
45 to 54 Years 3,315
55 to 59 Years 1,795
60 to 64 Years 1,431
65 to 74 Years 2,082
75 to 84 Years 1,126
85 Years and Over 465
Percent Under 5 Years 4.46%
Percent 18 & Over 81.55%
Percent 62 Years and Over 22.32%
Percent 65 Years and Over 18.27%
Percent 85 Years and Over 2.31%
Age 0 to 17 3,710
18 to 24 Years 1,618
25 to 44 Years 4,565
45 to 64 Years 6,541
62 Years and Over 4,488
65 Years and Over 3,673
Under 5 Years 897
15 to 19 Years 1,266
18 & Over 16,397
21 & Over 15,659
Males 11,105
Females 9,002
Males 18 & Over 9,189
Females 18 & Over 7,208
Males 65 & Over 1,757
Females 65 & Over 1,916
Total Reported
Black or African American190
American Indian and Alaska Native901
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander27
Some Other Race116
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 483
Not Hispanic or Latino 19,624
White Alone Not Hispanic 18,518
Number of Races Reported
One Race 19,707
Two or More Races Reported400
Two Races375
Three Races22
Four Races1
Five Races2
Six Races0
18 Years and Over - Total Reported
Black or African American122
American Indian and Alaska Native719
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander22
Some Other Race90
18 Years and Over - Number of Races Reported
Two or More Races Reported239
Two Races224
Three Races12
Four Races1
Five Races2
Six Races0
Households - Units
Total Households 8,183
Households With Individuals Under 18 Years 1,961
Households With Individuals 65 Years and Over 2,609
Family Households
Family Households (Families) 4,959
With Own Children Under 18 Years 1,785
Married Couple Family 3,838
Married Couple Family - With Own Children Under 18 Years 1,143
Female householder No Husband Present 745
Female householder No Husband Present - With Own Children Under 18 Years 424
Nonfamily Households
Non Family Households 3,224
Householder Living Alone 2,755
Householder 65 Years and Over 2,448
Housing Occupancy
Total Housing Units 11,018
Occupied Housing Units 8,183
Owner Occupied 5,834
Renter Occupied 2,349
Vacant Housing Units 2,835
Vacant for Rent 288
Vacant for Sale 139
Vacant for Seasonal, Recreation or Occasional Use1,800
Housing Tenure
Total Owner Units Including Units for Sale5,973
Total Rental Units Including Units Vacant for Rent2,637
Population in Owner-Occupied Units12,867
Population in Rented Units4,867
IndustriesSenate District 39
Natural Resources
Energy Wells, Active
Coal bed methane0
Gas storage0
Energy Pipeline (1 or more miles)
Crude oil0
Liquefied petroleum gas0
Natural gas135
Refined product27
LibrariesSenate District 39
Library Type
LandSenate District 39
Land Ownership (square miles)
Local government14
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks14
State trust land14
Other state land<1
US Bureau of Land Management<1
US Fish and Wildlife Service<1
US Forest Service1,503
US National Park Service2
Other federal land<1
Conservation Easements (acres)
Bitter Root Land Trust0
City Government0
Clark Fork-Pend Oreille Conservancy0
County Government0
Ducks Unlimited0
Five Valleys Land Trust10,301
Flathead Land Trust0
Gallatin Valley Land Trust0
Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust0
Kaniksu Land Trust Inc.0
Montana Conservation Trust736
Montana Dept of Transportation134
Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks6,215
Montana Land Reliance6,976
Mule Deer Foundation0
National Wildlife Federation0
Prickly Pear Land Trust0
Rattlesnake Land Trust0
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation1,044
Salish ad Kootenai Tribal Lands0
The Bighorn Institute0
The Conservation Fund0
The Nature Conservancy5,951
US Bureau of Reclamation0
US Dept of Agriculture939
US Fish and Wildlife Service0
US Forest Service82
US Government0
Vital Ground Foundation0
Land in Agricultural Use (acres)
Continuously cropped<1
Hay (non-irrigated)3,339
Irrigated (hay or crop)51,474
Noncommercial forest11,769
WildlifeSenate District 39
Recreation Acres
Fishing access sites479
Fishing conservation areas0
State parks525
Wildlife conservation easements5,898
Wildlife protection areas0
Wildlife management areas62,197
Block Management (acres)
Block management (acres)82,858

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