Metadata for Montana 2019 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service
Metadata for Montana 2019 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service
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Identification Information:
U.S. Dept of Agriculture
Farm Services Agency
Aerial Photography Field Office
Publication date:
Montana 2019 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service
Montana State Library
Online linkage:
Larger Work Citation:
Montana 2019 NAIP Orthophotos
Online linkage:{39bae4fb-dae9-43f5-96c6-2532dbc14a20}
This is an ArcGIS Server Image Service of the 4-band 2021 National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) orthorectified digital aerial photos of Montana. Imagery defaults to natural color. To view the imagery as false-color infrared (CIR), select band 4 as the red image, band 1 as the green, and band 2 as the blue.
This data set contains imagery from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). These data are digital aerial photos, at 60 centimeter resolution, of most of the state of Montana, taken in 2019. Due to snow cover the imagery acquisition was not completed in 2019 and some areas were acquired in 2020.
The data are available from the State Library in two different formats.
The most accessible format is a downloadable collection of compressed county mosaic (CCM) natural color MrSID images. These data are in UTM coordinates. The FTP folder containing these images is
The data are available from the State Library as a collection 11,775 4-band (near infrared, red, green and blue) TIF images in UTM coordinates. Each image is about 400 megabytes. The tiling format of the TIFF imagery is based on 3.75 x 3.75 minute quarter-quadrangles with a 300 pixel buffer on all four sides.
An ESRI shapefile index showing the extent and acquisition dates of the TIF images is available at
To order TIFF images from the State Library, select the quadrangles you want from the tiff index shapefile and send them to the Library, along with a storage device of sufficient size to hold them and return postage for the device.
Supplemental information:
The NAIP program is administered by U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Services Agency and has been established to support two main FSA strategic goals centered on agricultural production. These are, increase stewardship of America's natural resources while enhancing the environment, and to ensure commodities are procured and distributed effectively and efficiently to increase food security. The NAIP program supports these goals by acquiring and providing ortho imagery that has been collected during the agricultural growing season in the U.S.
The NAIP ortho imagery is tailored to meet FSA requirements and is a fundamental tool used to support FSA farm and conservation programs. Ortho imagery provides an effective, intuitive means of communication about farm program administration between FSA and stakeholders. New technology and innovation is identified by fostering and maintaining a relationship with vendors and government partners, and by keeping pace with the broader geospatial community. As a result of these efforts the NAIP program provides three main products: DOQQ tiles, Compressed County Mosaics (CCM), and Seamline shape files.
The Contract specifications for NAIP imagery have changed over time reflecting agency requirements and improving technologies. These changes include image resolution, horizontal accuracy, coverage area, and number of bands. In general, flying seasons are established by FSA and are targeted for peak crop growing conditions. The NAIP acquisition cycle is based on a minimum 3 year refresh of base ortho imagery. The tiling format of the NAIP imagery is based on a 3.75' x 3.75' quarter quadrangle with a 300 pixel buffer on all four sides. NAIP quarter quads are formatted to the UTM coordinate system using the North American Datum of 1983. NAIP imagery may contain as much as 10% cloud cover per tile. Since 2009, all NAIP imagery acquisition contracts used an accuracy specification such that the imagery is to match reference imagery within a ground surface distance of 6 meters.
Time period of content:
Beginning date:
Ending date:
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Access constraints:
Use constraints:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
Point of contact:
Aerial Photography Field Office (APFO)
222 West 2300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119-2020
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Data Quality Information:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report:
NAIP horizontal accuracy specifications require a match of plus or minus 6 meters between objects on the ground and their position in the imagery.
Source information:
U.S. Dept of Agriculture
Farm Services Agency
Aerial Photography Field Office
Publication date:
Aerial Photography
Beginning date:
Ending date:
Process step:
Digital imagery was collected at a nominal GSD of 40cm using nine Cessna 441, one Reims F406, one Piper and one Merlin aircraft flying at an average flight height of 8400m AGL for the SH120 acquisition and 4400m AGL for SH100 acquisition. Aircraft flew with Leica Geosystem's ADS100/SH100 digital sensors with firmware 4.57 or ADS100/SH120 digital sensors with firmware 4.57. Each sensor collected 12 image bands Red,Green,Blue and Near-infrared at each of three look angles; Backward 19 degrees, Forward 26 degrees and Nadir for the SH100. Backward 10 degrees, Forward 14 degrees, and Nadir for the SH120. The Nadir Green band was collected in high resolution mode effectively doubling the resolution for that band. The ADS100 spectral ranges are; Red 619-651nm, Green 525-585nm, Blue 435-495nm and Near-infrared at 808-882nm.
The CCD arrays have a pixel size of 5.0 microns in a 20000x1 format at nadir; a 18000x1 format at the backward look angle and a 16000x1 format at the forward look angle. The CCD's have a dynamic range of 72db and the A/D converters have a resolution of 14bits. The ADS is a push-broom sensor the ground footprint of the imagery is approximately 8km wide at a nominal 40cm GSD by the length flightline. The maximum flightline length is limited to approximately 175km.
The factory calibrations and IMU alignments for each sensor (Serial Numbers: 10511, 10512, 10514, 10522, 10527, 10530, 10531, 10534, 10540, 10554, 12502) were tested and verified by in-situ test flights before the start of the project. The Leica MissionPro Flight Planning Software is used to develop the flight acquisition plans. Flight acquisition sub blocks are designed first to define the GNSS base station logistics, and to break the project up into manageable acquisition units. The flight acquisition sub blocks are designed based on the specified acquisition season, native UTM zone of the DOQQs, flight line length limitations (to ensure sufficient performance of the IMU solution) as well as air traffic restrictions in the area. Once the sub blocks have been delineated they are brought into MissionPro for flight line design. The design parameters used in MissionPro will be 30% lateral overlap and 40cm resolution. The flight lines have been designed with a north/south orientation or east/west where required for efficiency. The design takes into account the latitude of the state, which affects line spacing due to convergence as well as the terrain. SRTM elevation data is used in the MissionPro design to ensure the 50cm GSD is achieved over all types of terrain.
The raw data was downloaded from the sensors after each flight using Leica XPro software. The imagery was then georeferenced using the 200Hz GPS/INS data creating an exterior orientation for each scan line (x/y/z/o/p/k). Leica Xpro APM software was used to automatically generate tiepoint measurements between the forward, nadir and backward look angles for each line and to tie all flight lines together. The resulting point data and exterior orientation data were used to perform a full bundle adjustment using ORIMA software. Blunders were removed, and additional tie points measured in weak areas to ensure a robust solution.
Once the point data was clean and point coverage was acceptable, photo-identifiable GPS-surveyed ground control points were introduced into the block adjustment. The bundle adjustment process produces revised exterior orientation data for the sensor with GPS/INS, datum, and sensor calibration errors modeled and removed. Using the revised exterior orientation from the bundle adjustment, orthorectified image strips were created with Xpro software and the June 2014 USGS 10m NED DEM. The Xpro orthorectification software applies an atmospheric-BRDF radiometric correction to the imagery. This correction compensates for atmospheric absorption, solar illumination angle and bi-directional reflectance. The orthorectified strips were then overlaid with each other and the ground control to check accuracy.
Once the accuracy of the orthorectified image strips were validated the strips were then imported into Inpho's OrthoVista 7.0 package which was used for the final radiometric balance, mosaic, and DOQQ sheet creation. The final DOQQ sheets, with a 300m buffer and a ground pixel resolution of 1m or 60cm
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Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Map projection:
Map projection name:
WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Map projection parameters:
WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Other projection's definition:
Planar distance units:
Geodetic model:
Horizontal datum name:
D WGS 1984
Ellipsoid name:
WGS 1984
Semi-major axis:
Denominator of flattening ratio:
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Distribution Information:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800
TDD/TTY telephone:
Montana Relay 711
Resource description:
Live Data and Maps
Distribution liability:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
Standard order process:
Digital form:
Format name:
ArcGIS Server Image Service
Online option:
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Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata date:
Metadata contact:
Montana State Library
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, Montana 59620-1800
TDD/TTY telephone:
Montana Relay 711
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