Attribute Value
Definition of Attribute Value
TOPO24 |
Delineation from hardcopy 1:24,000 scale topographic maps |
TOPO25 |
Delineation from hardcopy 1:25,000 topgraphic maps, only Alaska and Caribbean |
TOPO63 |
Delineation from hardcopy 1:63,360 topographic maps, only Alaska and Caribbean |
DRG24 |
Delineation from 1:24,000 scale Digital Raster Graphics |
DRG25 |
Delineation from 1:25,000 Digital Raster Graphics, only Alaska and Caribbean |
DRG63 |
Delineation from 1:63,360 Digital Raster Graphics, only Alaska and Caribbean |
DEM10 |
Derived from 10 meter Digital Elevation Model |
DEM30 |
Derived from 30 meter Digital Elevation Model |
NED30 |
Derived from 30 meter National Elevation Dateset Model |
EDNA30 |
(formally NED-H), derived from 30 meter Elevation Derivatives for National Applications |
BATH"scale" (ex. BATH24) |
Interpreted from NOAA 1:24,000 scale bathymetric data |
HYPSO"scale" (ex. HYPSO24) |
Delineated from 1:24,000 scale contour data |
ORTHO"scale" (ex. ORTHO12) |
Interpreted from 1:12,000 scale Ortho-imagery |
Drainage enforced 10 meter Digital Elevation Model |
Drainage enforced 30 meter Digital Elevation Model |
Derived from Global Positioning System |
Derived from LIDAR |
Derived from IFSAR data |
Other |
Unknown |