Metadata for Montana Cadastral Base Map Service (Web Mercator) Metadata for Montana Cadastral Base Map Service (Web Mercator)
Identification Information:
Originator: Montana State Library
Publication date: 06/17/2024
Title: Montana Cadastral Base Map Service (Web Mercator)
Publication place: Helena, MT
Publisher: Montana State Library
Online linkage:
Larger Work Citation:
Originator: Montana State Library
Publication date: 06/17/2024
Title: Montana Cadastral ArcGIS Server Map Service
Online linkage:{9285b4c0-db9e-424d-8639-c138b8a27aed}

This service was developed to act as the "Street" base map for the Montana Cadastral Mapping Application ( and as the source for data overlay on the application's "Aerial" and "Topo" base maps.

The map layers that are turned on by default are designed to combine to serve as a base map. The service contains a group of layers called Imagery Layers that are designed to act as a base map overaly for aerial imagery.

The primary focus of the map is land ownership both public and private and displays such with different degrees of generalization depending on the level one zooms into the map. Similar to the depiction of land ownership it also displays transportation, hydrography, placenames and other common data usually found on a basemap at progressively larger scales as a user zooms in. It generally uses data from the Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure however in many cases the data are a custom subset of those themes designed to display at specific zoom levels.

The following is a list of the layers in the service:

Layer: Political Entities (0)
Description: This layer group contains Montana's counties and Indian reservations and locations of the county seats and 259 other towns.

Layer: MT_Cities (1)
Description: This layer shows a point location and a name for 259 Montana towns. It does not include the county seats, which are shown in separate layer.

Layer: Countyseat Symbol (2)
Description: This layer shows the locations and names of Montana's county seats.

Layer: County Seat No Symbol (3)
Description: This layer shows the names of Montana's county seats. It is drawn at large scales where the street pattern reveals the town locations and point symbols are not needed.

Layer: CountyLines (4)
Description: This layer shows Montana's county boundary lines. For more information and links to access the data, please see

Layer: MT Reservations_Bndy (5)
Description: This layer shows the names and the outer boundaries of Montana's Indian Reservations.

Layer: Counties (6)
Description: This is a polygon layer that is used to create dynamic labels for the county names. For more information and links to access the data, please see

Layer: PLSS (7)
Description: This layer group contains Montana's Public Land Survey System. For more information and links to access the data, please see
Layer: PLSS Township (8)
Description: This layer shows the boundaries and township and range numbers of Montana's public land survey townships. For more information and links to access the data, please see

Layer: PLSS First Division (9)
Description: This layer shows the boundaries and numbers of Montana's public land survey sections. For more information and links to access the data, please see

Layer: Transportation (10)
Description: This layer group shows Montana's railroads and roads.

Layer: Primary Railroad Routes (11)

Layer: PrimaryRoads (12)
Description: This layer is intended for display of selected major highways of Montana at small scales.

Layer: PrimaryRoads_Mid_Range (13)
Description: This layer is intended for display of Montana's primary highways at medium scales.

Layer: Highways_cadastral (14)
Description: This layer is intended for detailed display of Montana's Interstate, Primary, and Secondary highways at large scales.

Layer: Web_Roads_PrimaryRural (15)
Description: These are selected major roads, not on Montana's highway system, for display at medium scales.

Layer: Roads_cadastral (16)
Description: These are all of Montana's roads, other than the highway system, for display at large scales.

Layer: Imagery Layers (17)
Description: The layers in this group are intended to be displayed as an overlay to aerial photographs, satellite images, or scanned topographic maps. Some of the layers are duplicates of other layers in the map service but with different symbology, others are included here as a convenience, so that all other groups may be turned off and this one may be turned on when an imagery layer is present.

Layer: PrimaryRoads (18)
Description: This layer is intended for display of selected major highways of Montana at small scales. The symbology is modified for display with aerial or satellite imagery.

Layer: PrimaryRoads_Mid_Range (19)
Description: This layer is intended for display of Montana's primary highways at medium scales. The symbology is modified for display with aerial or satellite imagery.

Layer: Highways_cadastral (20)
Description: This layer is intended for detailed display of Montana's Interstate, Primary, and Secondary highways at large scales.

Layer: Web_Roads_PrimaryRural (21)
Description: These are selected major roads, not on Montana's highway system, for display at medium scales.

Layer: Roads_cadastral (22)
Description: These are all of Montana's roads, other than the highway system, for display at large scales.

Layer: OwnerParcel (23)
Description: This layer is Montana's cadastral parcel database, with selected information from the Montana Department of Revenue property tax database. For more information about the data and links for access to the data, please see The symbology is modified for display with aerial imagery or scanned topographic maps.

Layer: Hydrography (24)
Description: This is a group layer for display of lakes and streams.

Layer: Cadastral Lakes (25)
Description: This layer contains 373 lakes selected for display on the Cadastral base map. The data appear to be derived from 1:100,000 scale maps.

Layer: CadastralRivers (26)
Description: This layer contains lines showing the routes of 11 major rivers.

Layer: Web_Stream_SMScale (27)
Description: This layer contains major streams selected for display at scales larger than 1:500,000. The data were selected from 1:100,000 scale sources.

Layer: Web_StreamNHD_LargeScale (28)
Description: This layer contains flowlines from the medium-resolution National Hydrography Dataset, for display at scales larger than 1:36,000.

Layer: Ownership Classification (29)
Description: This is a group layer for display of land ownership.

Layer: MT Reservations (30)
Description: This layer shows Montana's Indian reservations with a light tan polygon fill. It is used at scales smaller than 1:600,000. For more information and links to access the data, please see

Layer: General Ownership (31)
Description: This layer gives a general view of the location of Montana's National Forests and National Parks for small-scale maps. It also provides a light gray background for the map and depiction of the state's 40 largest lakes.

Layer: Conservation Easements (32)
Description: This layer shows lands which have conservation easements. It is turned off by default. For more information and links to access the data, please see

Layer: OwnerParcel (33)
Description: This layer is Montana's cadastral parcel database, with selected information from the Montana Department of Revenue property tax database. For more information about the data and links for access to the data, please see

Layer: TribalLands (34)
Description: This layer shows lands owned by tribal nations or held in trust by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. These data are not regularly maintained and users should consult the Owner Parcel layer for confirmation of the ownership of any individual parcel.

Layer: PublicLands (35)
Description: This layer shows lands owned by government agencies. For more information and links to access the data, please see

Layer: Private Land Fill (36)
Description: This layer provides a light gray background for the map.

Layer: mtshade_WebMercator (37)
Description: This layer provides a shaded relief representation of Montana's landforms. It was derived from the National Elevation Dataset.

Time period of content:
Beginning date: 09/01/2011
Ending date: 06/17/2024
Currentness reference: publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and update frequency: Continually
Access constraints: None
Use constraints:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
Point of contact:
Montana State Library
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, Montana 59620

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

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Data Quality Information:
Attribute accuracy report:
Accuracy is consistent with the Montana Cadastral Framework Database. See metadata at{35524afc-669b-4614-9f44-43506ae21a1d}

Completeness report:
The map service is considered complete however we occasionally add additional towns, streams, roads or other features based on user input

Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report:
See Montana Cadastral Framework metadata at{35524afc-669b-4614-9f44-43506ae21a1d}

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Distribution Information:
Montana State Library
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

Resource description: Live Data and Maps

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Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata date: 06/17/2024
Metadata review date: 03/28/2012
Metadata contact:
Montana State Library
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

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