Metadata for PLSSWebMerc Map Service
Metadata for PLSSWebMerc Map Service
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Spatial Reference Information
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Identification Information:
Montana State Library
Publication date:
PLSSWebMerc Map Service
Montana State Library
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These data depict the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) for the state of Montana and are based on Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB) coordinate data. GCDB is the authoritative source for PLSS data. These data are represented in the following feature classes: PLSSTownship is a polygon feature class representing PLSS Townships; PLSSFirstDivision is a polygon feature class representing PLSS Sections; PLSSSecondDivision is a polygon feature class representing PLSS Quarter Quarter Sections; PLSSPoints is a point feature class representing PLSS Corner Points; PLSSSpecialSurvey is a polygon feature class representing special survey areas, which include include but are not limited to, homestead entry surveys, mineral surveys, metes and bounds surveys, and town site surveys; PLSSHistoricSpecialSurvey is a polygon feature class representing historic special survey areas; PLSSHistoricSecondDivision is a polygon feature class representing historic PLSS Quarter Quarter Sections; PLSSLodeSurveys is a polygon feature class representing lode surveys and minor subdivisions; PLSSFullyIntersected is a polygon feature class representing an intersection of all feature classes in the PLSS; Conflicted Areas is a polygon feature class representing known areas of gaps or overlaps between Townships or state boundaries;and PLSSMeanderedWater is a polygon feature class representing meandered water polygons, most commonly riparian areas and lakes, present during the original survey for the state. NOTE: This data is in NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500. Please use the NAD_1983_To_HARN_Montana_Idaho transformation to project from State Plane to HARN.
This data set was created to provide continuous cadastre data for the state of Montana. The CADNSDI or the Cadastral Publication Data Standard is the cadastral data component of the NSDI. This is the publication guideline for cadastral data that is intended to provide a common format and structure and content for cadastral information that can be made available across jurisdictional boundaries, providing a consistent and uniform cadastral data to meet business need that includes connections to the source information from the data stewards. The data stewards determine which data are published and should be contacted for any questions on data content or for additional information. The cadastral publication data is data provided by cadastral data producers in a standard form on a regular basis. Cadastral publication data has two primary components, land parcel data and cadastral reference data. It is important to recognize that the publication data are not the same as the operation and maintenance or production data. The production data is structured to optimize maintenance processes, is integrated with internal agency operations and contains much more detail than the publication data. The publication data is a subset of the more complete production data and is reformatted to meet a national standard so data can be integrated across jurisdictional boundaries and be presented in a consistent and standard form nationally.
Time period of content:
Calendar date:
Calendar date:
Calendar date:
Currentness reference:
Publication Date
Maintenance and update frequency:
Access constraints:
Use constraints:
This data is for GIS and mapping purposes and is not intended to support or replace land survey data or the information provided by land survey.
Point of contact:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800
TDD/TTY telephone:
Montana Relay 711
Data set credit:
FGDC Cadastral Subcommittee, BLM Cadastral Survey
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Data Quality Information:
Process step:
PLSS data for the state of Montana was loaded into polygon and point feature classes with standardized attributes.
Process date:
Process step:
A combination of survey grade GPS and air photo interpreted control points were obtained for 25 townships in Teton County and 11 townships in Yellowstone County. The townships were adjusted to match the control points. The townships adjusted in Teton County were in Townships 21 North through 25 North and Range 4 West through Range 1 East. The townships adjusted in Yellowstone County were Ranges 23 and 24 East in Townships 1 North through 4 North, Range 28 East in Townships 2 North and 3 North, and Township 3 North, Range 29 East.
Process date:
Process step:
A combination of survey grade GPS and air photo interpreted control points were obtained for 55 townships on the Fort Belknap Reservation and 104 townships on the Crow Reservation. The townships were adjusted to match the control points. The townships adjusted on the Fort Belknap Reservation were in Townships 24 North through 32 North and Range 20 East through Range 28 East. The townships adjusted on the Crow Reservation were in Townships 9 South through 6N and Ranges 26 East through 38 East.
Process date:
Process step:
A combination of survey grade GPS and air photo interpreted control points were obtained for 21 townships in Park County and 43 townships in Gallatin County. The townships were adjusted to match the control points. The townships adjusted in Park County were in Townships 3 South through 5 North and Ranges 7 East through Range 11 East. The townships adjusted in Gallatin County were in Townships 4 South through 5 North and Ranges 1 West through 6 East.
Process date:
Process step:
A combination of survey grade GPS and aerial photo interpreted control points were obtained for 23 townships in Park County, 6 townships in Gallatin County, 3 townships in Sweetgrass County, 30 townships in Carbon County, 1 township in Stillwater County, 6 townships in Yellowstone County, 3 townships in Big Horn County, 11 townships in Fallon County, 26 townships in Wibaux County, 8 townships in Dawson County, 64 townships in Richland County, 7 townships in McCone County, 63 townships in Roosevelt County, 5 townships in Valley County, 50 townships in Sheridan County, and 33 townships in Daniels, for a total of 339 townships. The townships were adjusted to match the control points.
Process date:
Process step:
A combination of survey grade GPS and aerial photo interpreted control points were obtained for 7 townships in Flathead County, 34 townships in Lake County, 45 townships in Missoula County, 6 townships in Powell County, 8 townships in Madison County, 14 townships in Glacier County, 40 townships in Teton County, 43 townships in Toole County, 35 townships in Pondera County, 2 townships in Liberty County, 40 townships in Choteau County, 8 townships in Fergus County, 12 townships in Judith Basin County, 15 townships in Gallatin County, 67 townships in Park County, 5 townships in Sweet Grass County, 2 townships in Stillwater County, 8 townships in Yellowstone County, 13 townships in Carbon County, 10 townships in Big Horn County, 10 townships in Powder River County, 9 townships in Carter County, 3 townships in Valley County, 2 townships in Sheridan County, and 3 townships in Roosevelt County, for a total of 456 counties. The townships were adjusted to match the control points.
Process date:
Process step:
A combination of survey grade GPS, amended protraction diagram points and aerial photo interpreted control points were obtained for 68 townships in Beaverhead County, 20 townships in Big Horn County, 16 townships in Blaine County, 20 townships in Carbon County, 1 township in Cascade County, 1 township in Custer County, 16 townships in Daniels County, 6 townships in Deer Lodge County, 135 townships in Flathead County, 31 townships in Gallatin County, 1 township in Garfield County, 72 townships in Glacier County, 23 townships in Granite County, 2 townships in Hill County, 8 townships in Jefferson County, 56 townships in Lake County, 33 townships in Lewis and Clark County, 49 townships in Lincoln County, 117 townships in Madison County, 22 townships in McCone County, 5 townships in Meagher County, 33 townships in Mineral County, 72 townships in Missoula County, 80 townships in Park County, 16 townships in Pondera County, 20 townships in Powell County, 39 townships in Ravalli County, 19 townships in Richland County, 67 townships in Roosevelt County, 36 townships in Rosebud County, 91 townships in Sanders County, 20 townships in Sheridan County, 9 townships in Silver Bow County, 10 townships in Stillwater County, 16 townships in Sweetgrass County, 15 townships in Teton County, and 55 townships in Valley County, for a total of 1,093 townships in 37 counties.
Process date:
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Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Map projection:
Map projection name:
WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Map projection parameters:
WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Other projection's definition:
Planar distance units:
Geodetic model:
Horizontal datum name:
D WGS 1984
Ellipsoid name:
WGS 1984
Semi-major axis:
Denominator of flattening ratio:
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Entity and Attribute Information:
Entity type label:
Public Land Survey System (PLSS)
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
In the Public Land Survey System a Township refers to a unit of land, that is nominally six miles on a side, usually containing 36 sections.
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
The PLSS First Division is commonly the section. This is the first set of divisions for a PLSS Township.
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
The second division of the PLSS is quarter, quarter-quarter, sixteenth or government lot division of the PLSS. The second and third divisions are combined into this feature class as an intentional de-normalization of the PLSS hierarchical data. The polygons in this feature class represent the smallest division that has been defined for the first division. In most cases the smallest division for the cadastral reference will be the sixteenth but in some cases sections have only been divided to the quarter. Divisions below the sixteenth may be included in this feature class, but in most implementations these smaller divisions will be parcels.
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
PLSS Special Surveys are non-rectangular PLSS survey. These features are not populated for the many eastern states data sets because at the time of the PLSS Surveys in the eastern states, the federal survey types had not been established. However, for purposes of transition in some of the eastern states PLSS the non-plss data are in the plss special surveys, this will update over time.
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
These are the corners of the PLSS. This data set contains summary information about the coordinate location and reliability of corner coordinate information. The information in the corner feature has been collected by the identified data steward. For more information about corner locations, credits and use limitations the identified data steward in the corner feature should be contacted.
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
These are areas of water that are defined from meander lines of the PLSS and GLO surveys. These are not the official representations of coast or water lines and are representations of the lines marked by the survey along the boundaries of meandered water at the time of survey.
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
The conflicted areas feature class is a depiction of known overlaps or gaps resulting from two or more different surveys of the same area. It may also contain areas with discrepancies in area, identification, or survey condition. The reason for the conflict should be noted in the description. This feature class may also include an indication of canceled or suspended surveys.
Attribute label:
Attribute definition:
This is a graphic representation of the data stewards based on PLSS Townships in PLSS areas. In non-PLSS areas the metadata at a glance is based on a data steward defined polygons such as a city or county or other units. The identification of the data steward is a general indication of the agency that will be responsible for updates and providing the authoritative data sources. In other implementations this may have been termed the alternate source, meaning alternate to the BLM. But in the shared environment of the NSDI the data steward for an area is the primary coordinator or agency responsible for making updates or causing updates to be made. The data stewardship polygons are defined and provided by the data steward.
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Distribution Information:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800
TDD/TTY telephone:
Montana Relay 711
Resource description:
Live Data and Maps
Distribution liability:
The Montana State Library Geographic Information Services provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
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Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata date:
Metadata contact:
Montana State Library
Montana State Library
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, Montana 59620
Montana Relay 711
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