Metadata for Greater Yellowstone Area Hydrography and Transportaion Data from 1:24,000 Scale USGS Quadrangles Metadata for Greater Yellowstone Area Hydrography and Transportaion Data from 1:24,000 Scale USGS Quadrangles
Identification Information:
Originator: Montana State Library
Publication date: 01/30/2002
Greater Yellowstone Area Hydrography and Transportaion Data from 1:24,000 Scale USGS Quadrangles
Publication place: Helena, Montana
Publisher: Montana State Library
Online linkage:
Browse graphic file name:

These layers cover an area around Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. Data for the national parks themselves are not included.

The data were digitized by the US Geological Survey and provided to the public as Digital Line Graph files. The dates of the source maps ranged from 1948 through 1998. The data were provided as separate files for each 7.5-minute quadrangle by the USGS. The State Library joined the individual themes into two groups of layers - one for Montana and another for Wyoming and Idaho. The USGS major and minor attribute codes have been replaced with the codes shown in this metadata record.

A few of the DLG files had coordinates in the NAD83 datum, while most were in NAD27. Because of the diffrence between the position of the quadrangle boundaries between NAD83 and NAD27, there are gaps in the data, generally about 200 meters wide, between adjacent quadrangles that have different datums.

These data have been removed from the State Library web site because they are obsolete and better recent data may be available. These data are still available on request from the State Library data archive.
Supplemental information:
The following feature classes are available in the archive:
. quad_dates - Data index polygon features
. dlghd1a - Hydrography line features, Montana
. dlghd3a - Hydrography line features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlghd2 - Hydrography polygon features, Montana
. dlghd4 - Hydrography polygon features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlghd1b - Hydrography node features, Montana
. dlghd3b - Hydrography node features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlghd1c - Hydrography point features, Montana
. dlghd3c - Hydrography point features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlgrd1 - Road line features, Montana
. dlgrd2 - Road line features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlgrd1b - Road node features, Montana
. dlgrd2b - Road node features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlgrr1b - Railroad node features, Montana
. dlgrr2b - Railroad node features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlgrr1 - Railroad line features, Montana
. dlgrr2 - Railroad line features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlgmt1a - Miscellaneous Transportation line features, Montana
. dlgmt1b - Miscellaneous transportation node features, Wyoming and Idaho
. dlgmt1c - Miscellaneous transportation point features, Montana
. dlgmt2a - Miscellaneous Transportation line features, Montana
. dlgmt2b - Miscellaneous transportation node features, Wyoming and Idaho

Time period of content:
Beginning date: 1948
Ending date: 1998
Currentness reference: Publication Date
Access constraints: None
Use constraints:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
Point of contact:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

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Data Quality Information:
Attribute accuracy report:
Attributes were interpreted from the original DLG files by a computer program. The accuracy of this interpretation has not been extensively checked.

Attribute accuracy of the original Digital Line Graph data is estimated by the USGS at 98.5 percent, and was tested by them as follows:
- manual comparison of the source with hard copy plots.
- symbolized display of the digital line graph on an interactive compter graphic system.
- Selected attributes that could not be visually verified on plots or on screen, were interactively queried and verified on screen.

In addition, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Production System (PROSYS) software tested the attributes against a master set of valid attributes for the category; it also checked for selected valid attribute combinations, and for valid attributes relative to topology and dimensionality. All attribute data conform to the attribute codes current as of the date of digitizing.

Completeness report:
The coverage only contains point and node attributes for the 13 quadrangles that were imported in 1997.

For DLG data, Digital Revision Status = Not revised:
Data completeness reflects the content of the source quadrangle. Features may have been eliminated or generalized on the source graphic, due to scale and legibility constraints.

For DLG data, Digital Revision Status = Limited Update:
This file has undergone limited update digital revision. The file contains only (1) those features that are photoidentifiable on monoscopic source, supplemented with limited ancillary source, and (2) those features, present on the original source quadrangle, that can not be reliably photoidentified but that are not considered particularly prone to change.

For DLG data, Digital Revision Status = Standard Update:
This file has undergone standard update digital revision. The data completeness of this file meets National Mapping Division standards for feature content.

Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report:
Approximate accuracy is 12 meters, assuming the source maps meet National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS). NMAS horizontal accuracy requires that at least 90 percent of points tested are within 0.02 inches of the true position.

The digital data are estimated to contain a horizontal positional error of less than or equal to 0.003 inches standard error in the two component directions relative to the source quadrangle. Comparison to the graphic source is used as control to assess digital positional accuracy.

Cartographic offsets may be present on the graphic source, due to scale and legibility constraints. Digital map elements require edge alignment between data sets. Data along each quadrangle edge are tested against the data set for the adjacent quadrangle using PROSYS; tests check for positional accuracy between data sets within a 0.02 inches tolerance. Features with like dimensionality, and with or without like attribution, that are within the tolerance are adjusted by moving the feature equally in both data sets. Features outside the tolerance are not moved.

Source information:
National Mapping Division
U.S. Geological Survey
Publication date: 2001
Title: 1:24,000-scale Digital Line Graphs
Publication place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Source scale denominator: 24000
Source contribution: The data set is a re-processed copy of this source.
Beginning date: 1948
Ending date: 1998

Process step:
Interpret USGS attributes, project quadrangles to State Plane Coordinates, and join quadrangles into one data set. The procedures used to do this are shown in the Arc/Info AML programs in the dlgaml1 folder.
Process date: 01/30/2002
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Spatial Reference Information:
Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Grid coordinate system name: State Plane Coordinate System 1983
SPCS zone identifier: 2500
Lambert conformal conic:
Standard parallel: 45
Standard parallel: 49
Longitude of central meridian: -109.5
Latitude of projection origin: 44.25
False easting: 600000.00000
False northing: 0.00000
Planar distance units: meters
Geodetic model:
Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major axis: 6378137
Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257
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Entity and Attribute Information:
Entity type label: dlghd1a and dlghd3a
Entity type definition: Hydrography line features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Code for hydrography line type

Definition of
Attribute Value
10 Shoreline
15 Shoreline, Manmade
20 Shoreline, Intermittent
110 Stream
120 Stream, Intermittent
128 Stream, Intermittent, Underpassing
131 Stream, Overpassing
132 Stream, Unsurveyed
133 Stream, Intermittent, Overpassing
134 Stream, Underpassing
160 Left Bank
170 Right Bank
210 Ditch
214 Ditch, Underpassing
222 Ditch, Intermittent, Coincident USPLS
224 Ditch, Intermittent, Underpassing
228 Ditch, Overpassing
229 Ditch, Tunnel
230 Aqueduct
232 Aqueduct, Underground
236 Aqueduct, Underground, Underpassing
240 Flume
253 Siphon
254 Siphon, Underground
430 Dam or weir
710 Water-Water Closure
821 Rapids
822 Falls
920 Apparent Limit

Attribute label: RVIS
Attribute definition: Photorevision flag

Definition of
Attribute Value
0 Feature is not photo-revised
1 Feature is photo-revised

Entity type label: dlghd1c and dlghd3c
Entity type definition: Hydrography point features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Hydrography point type code

Definition of
Attribute Value
55 River Mile Marker
300 Spring
301 Sprint, Mineral or Hot
310 Non-flowing well
330 Riser
350 Windmill
403 Gaging Station
404 Pumping Station

Attribute label: RIVMILE
Attribute definition: River Mile Marker
Range domain minimum: 0
Range domain maximum: 102
Attribute units of measure: miles

Entity type label: dlghd1b and dlghd3b
Entity type definition: Hydrography node features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Hydrography node type code

Definition of
Attribute Value
10 Upper origin of stream
11 Upper origin of stream, spring
14 Non-flowing well, Upper origin of stream
15 Flowing well, Upper origin of stream
16 Gaging Station, Upper origin of stream
20 Upper origin of stream at water body
30 Sink, channel no longer evident
40 Stream entering water body
50 Stream exiting water body
51 Stream exiting water body, Riser
300 Spring
301 Non-flowing well
314 Lake or pond, intermittent, entering water body
400 Rapids
401 Falls
403 Gaging Station
408 Spillway
421 Lake or pond

Entity type label: dlghd2 and dlghd4
Entity type definition: Hydrography polygon features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Code for hydrography polygon type

Definition of
Attribute Value
0 Land
110 Stream
120 Stream, Intermittent
130 Stream, Rapids
140 Stream, Submerged
210 Ditch
300 Lake or Pond
311 Lake or Pond, Wetland
313 Lake or Pond, Intermittent
410 Reservoir
413 Reservoir, Intermittent
420 Inundation Area
422 Inundation Area, Wetland
450 Tailings Pond
460 Aquaculture Pond
461 Filtration Pond
810 Glacier or Snowfield
823 Spillway
830 Wash or Ephemeral Drain
850 Wetland
851 Wetland, Submerged
852 Wetland, Coincident Woods
860 Sewage Disposal Pond

Attribute label: RVIS
Attribute definition: Photorevision code

Definition of
Attribute Value
0 Feature is not photo-revised
1 Feature is photo-revised

Attribute label: M619
Attribute definition: Estimated elevation code

Definition of
Attribute Value
0 Elevation was printed on source map
1 Elevation was estimated from source map

Attribute label: ELEV
Attribute definition:
Elevation, feet
Elevation of zero indicates that elevation was not recorded.
Range domain minimum: 3797
Range domain maximum: 11780
Attribute units of measure: feet
Attribute measurement resolution: 1
Attribute value accuracy information:
Attribute value accuracy: 20
Attribute value accuracy explanation:
Accuracy of 20 feet is based on National Map Accuracy Standards for maps with 40-foot contours. Some of the source maps have 20- or 80-foot contours, and the accuracy there would be 10 or 40 feet.

Entity type label: dlgrd1 and dlgrd2
Entity type definition: Road line features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Road type code

Definition of
Attribute Value
50 Interchange
51 Interchange, Underpassing
61 Cul-de-sac
100 Class 1 Road
102 Class 1 Road, Overpassing
103 Class 1 Road, Underpassing
110 Divided Class 1 Road
112 Divided Class 1 Road, Overpassing
113 Divided Class 1 Road, Underpassing
120 Separated Class 1 Road
122 Separated Class 1 Road, Overpassing
123 Separated Class 1 Road, Underpassing
130 One-Way Class 1 Road
200 Class 2 Road
202 Class 2 Road, Overpassing
203 Class 2 Road, Underpassing
220 Separated Class 2 Road
300 Class 3 Road
302 Class 3 Road, Overpassing
303 Class 3 Road, Underpassing
304 Class 3 Road, Arbitrary Closure
310 Divided Class 3 Road
312 Divided Class 3 Road, Overpassing
313 Divided Class 3 Road, Underpassing
320 Separated Class 3 Road
340 Traffic Circle, Class 3
360 Rest Area
400 Class 4 Road
401 Class 4 Road in Tunnel
402 Class 4 Road, Overpassing
403 Class 4 Road, Underpassing
408 Class 4 Road, Privately operated or controlled public access
409 Class 4 Road, Submerged or in ford
500 Trail
509 Trail, Submerged or in ford
570 Old Railroad Grade
571 Old Railroad Grade in Tunnel
580 Class 5 Road, Four-Wheel Drive Trail
588 Class 5 Road, Four-Wheel Drive Trail, Privately operated or controlled public access
601 Footbridge
602 Non-Standard Road

Attribute label: ROUTE
Attribute definition:
List of route names
This attribute was based on USGS attribute codes and has been updated at the State Library. For example, an arc that carries Interstate 90, U.S. 12, and Montana 43 would have "I90 US12 S43" as its ROUTE attribute. Route numbers that start with an "L" are park, forest, reservation, or military routes.

Attribute label: RVIS
Attribute definition: Photorevision code

Definition of
Attribute Value
0 Not photorevised
1 Photorevised
2 Estimated location or attributes

Attribute label: OTHR
Attribute definition: Co-incident feature type code

Definition of
Attribute Value
B Boundary
H Hydrography
M Man-made feature
T Miscellaneous Transportation
U U.S. Public Land Survey line
X Unknown

Attribute label: LANE
Attribute definition: Number of Traffic Lanes

Definition of
Attribute Value
Any number Number of traffic lanes
T Transition area

Attribute label: WDTH
Attribute definition: Roadway Width code

Definition of
Attribute Value
A 46-55 feet
B 56-65 feet
C 66-75 feet
D 76-85 feet
E 86-95 feet
F 69-105 feet
G 106-115 feet
H 116-125 feet
I 126-135 feet
J 136-145 feet

Entity type label: dlgrd1b and dlgrd2b
Entity type definition: Road node features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Road node type code

Definition of
Attribute Value
1 Bridge Abutment
2 Tunnel Portal
4 Gate
5 Cul-de-sac
6 Dead end
11 Bridge Abutment-Photorevised
606 Submerged or in ford

Entity type label: dlgrr1 and dlgrr2
Entity type definition: Railroad line features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Railroad arc type code

Definition of
Attribute Value
1 Railroad
2 Railroad underpassing
3 Railroad on bridge
4 Railroad in tunnel
6 Abandoned railroad
7 Abandoned underpassing railroad
8 Railroad, underpassing, arbitrary closure
11 Railroad siding
12 Railroad siding underpassing
13 Railroad siding on bridge
15 Railroad siding in snowshed
16 Abandoned railroad siding
18 Railroad siding, arbitrary closure
21 Yard limit
22 Yard limit underpassing
31 Turntable
41 Roundhouse
52 Railroad tunnel portal
209 Railroad yard boundary

Attribute label: TRACKS
Attribute definition: Number of railroad tracks

Attribute label: RVIS
Attribute definition: Photorevision code

Definition of
Attribute Value
0 Not photorevised
1 Photorevised

Entity type label: dlgrr1b and dlgrr2b
Entity type definition: Railroad node features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Railroad point type code

Definition of
Attribute Value
1 Bridge abutment
2 Tunnel portal
401 Turntable

Entity type label: dlgmt1a and dlgmt2a
Entity type definition: Miscellaneous Transportation line features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Line feature description code

Definition of
Attribute Value
201 Pipeline
202 Power Trasmission Line
203 Telephone Line
204 Aerial tramway or Ski lift
207 Aerial tramway
209 Ski lift
350 Power Transmission Line, Telephone Line
400 Power station
401 Substation
403 Airstrip or Airport boundary
406 Pumping station (other than water)
420 Airstrip, unpaved
1202 Power line, photorevised
1204 Aerial tram or Ski lift, photorevised
1403 Airstrip, photorevised
2201 Pipeline, arbitrary extension
2202 Power line, arbitrary extension
2401 Substation, arbitrary extension
2403 Airstrip, arbitrary extension
3202 Power line, coincident uspls line
3403 Airport, coincident uspls line
4403 Airport, coincident road
6403 Airport,extension,coinc. uspls & road
7403 Airstrip, unimproved surface

Entity type label: dlgmt1c
Entity type definition: Miscellaneous transportation point features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Point feature description code

Definition of
Attribute Value
1 End of transmission line at power or substation
401 Substation
403 Landing Strip
404 Heliport
406 Pumping Station (other than water)
420 Landing Strip, unpaved

Entity type label: dlgmt1b and dlgmt2b
Entity type definition: Miscellaneous transportation node features

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition: Point feature description code

Definition of
Attribute Value
1 End of transmission line at power or substation
401 Substation

Entity type label: quad_dates
Entity type definition: Data index polygon features

Attribute label: NAME
Attribute definition: Quadrangle Name

Attribute label: NAMEBREAK
Attribute definition: Quadrangle Name, with a backslash inserted for line breaks

Attribute label: CODE
Attribute definition:
Quandrangle lat-lon-row-column code. For example, 4711023 designates a quadrangle that is in the second row north and third column east of the intersection of the 47th parallel and 110th meridian.

Attribute label: HYDR
Attribute definition:
Dates of the DLG Hydrography category. Multiple dates indicate the original published date and subsequent photo revision dates.

Attribute label: DTUM_HYDR
Attribute definition: Datum of the DLG Hydrography file

Attribute label: TRANS
Attribute definition:
Dates of the DLG Misc Trans category. Multiple dates indicate the original published date and subsequent photo revision dates.

Attribute label: DTUM_TRANS
Attribute definition: Datum of the DLG Misc Trans file

Attribute label: ROAD
Attribute definition:
Dates of the DLG Roads and Trais category. Multiple dates indicate the original published date and subsequent photo revision dates.

Attribute label: DTUM_ROAD
Attribute definition: Datum of the DLG Roads and Trais file

Attribute label: RAIL
Attribute definition:
Dates of the DLG Railroad category. Multiple dates indicate the original published date and subsequent photo revision dates.

Attribute label: DTUM_RAIL
Attribute definition: Datum of the DLG Railroad file

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Distribution Information:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY telephone: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Distribution liability:
The Montana State Library provides this product/service for informational purposes only. The Library did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. The Library provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided. The Library makes these data and services available as a convenience to the public, and for no other purpose. The Library reserves the right to change or revise published data and/or services at any time.
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Metadata Reference Information:
Metadata date: 11/14/2014
Metadata review date: 04/11/2013
Metadata review date: 05/26/2010
Metadata review date: 09/29/2004
Metadata review date: 01/30/2002
Metadata contact:
Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, Montana 59620-1800

Telephone: 406-444-5354
Fax: 406-444-0581

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