Public Libraries Circulation Per Capita (1967 - 2012)
Circulation Per Capita relates the number of items a library circulates to the population served. It can be thought of as representing the average number of items checked out in a year by a member of the community. Circulation Per Capita is calculated by dividing the library's total annual circulation by the service area population or census/estimated population.
Visits Per Capita (1988 - 2012)
Visits Per Capita relates the number of people visiting the library to the population served. It can be thought of as representing the average number of times during a year that a member of the community uses the library. Visits Per Capita is calculated by dividing the library total attendance by the service area population or census/estimated population.
Expense Per Capita (1988 - 2012)
Expense Per Capita relates library expenditures to the population of the service area served. It is obtained by dividing the library's total expenditures by the service area population or census/estimated population. Figures shown here are based on each library's total expenditures.
Income Per Capita (1988 - 2012)
Income Per Capita relates library income to the population of the service area served. It is obtained by dividing the library's total income by the service area population or census/estimated population. Figures shown here are based on each library's total income, which includes city, district, county, state, federal, and other income.
Collection Turnover Rate (1967 - 2012)
Turnover Rate measures the activity of a library's collection, indicating the number of times each unit of library material would have circulated during the year if circulation had been spread evenly throughout the collection. It is calculated by dividing the library's total annual circulation by total library holdings.