ASPeN: Library Directory

Tracy Cook

Personal Information

Institution Name

Institution Name

The institution where the individual works or volunteers.

Montana State Library


The phone number assigned to this person. This must be entered as a 10-digit number with no special characters (no parentheses or dashes).

(406) 431-0685


The email address assigned to this person.
Mailing Address

Mailing Address

The mailing address for this particular person.

PO Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800
Last Updated

Last Updated


Montana State Library ASPeN Certification

  • Library Administrator Renewal

Person Specialties

Name Date Entered Information URL Proficient Trainer Mentor Interested In
Data Driven Model 9/14/2017 View
ASPeN 3/22/2019 View

Professional Organizations

Name Date Entered Information URL
Montana Library Association 9/14/2017 View
American Library Association 9/14/2017 View
Association for Rural and Small Libraries 6/27/2018 View


Associated Organization Main Organization Assigned Editor State Government Information Center (Helena)
Associated Organization Main Organization Director Not Currently Associated with an MT Library (Helena)
Federation Super Coordinator Montana State Library (Helena)
Federation Task Force Member Montana State Library (Helena)
Lead Consulting and Learning Librarian Montana State Library (Helena)
Network Advisory Council - Staff Montana State Library (Helena)
Public Library Standards Task Force - Montana State Library Staff Member Montana State Library (Helena)
Test Director Account ASPeN Test Library 1 (Helena)

Page History