Montana Building Footprints

Data Provider Microsoft
Date 07/13/2018
Content Type Downloadable Data
Abstract The Montana Building Footprints contains 762,288 polygons. It was originally published in GeoJSON format on GitHub. The Montana State Library has converted it to a shapefile. The building extraction is done in two stages: 1) Sematic Segmentation and 2) Polygonization. The vintage of the footprints depends on the vintage of the underlying imagery. Because Bing Imagery is a composite of multiple sources it is difficult to know the exact dates for individual pieces of data. For more information about the process and the dataset visit: The dataset is also available in ArcGIS Online at:
Purpose The Montana Building Footprints contains 762,288 computer generated polygons.
Supplemental Information
This data is freely available for download and use. This data is licensed by Microsoft under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
Data Access
Distributor Ted Chase GIS Manager Montana Department of Revenue Property Assessment Division
PO Box 8018
Helena, Montana 59604-8018
Telephone: 406-444-5586
Distribution liability See access and use constraints information.
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Metadata date 08/19/2019

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