
Data Provider Fallon County
Date 03/01/2018 - 04/27/2018
Content Type Offline Data
Abstract Document area of interest polygons summarizing PSAP collaboration calls comparing Next Generation 9-1-1 required GIS layers at the common border of eleven neighboring public safety answering points in counties in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Sixteen total counties participated that shared coincident borders with the Fallon PSAP in Montana which was formed of Fallon, Carter, Prairie and Wibaux counties. The Montana neighbors included Powder River, Custer, Garfield, McCone, Dawson, Richland PSAPS. The North Dakota collaborators included McKenzie, Golden Valley, Slope/Bowman. The South Dakota PSAPs included Harding and Butte. The Wyoming PSAP was Crook. The areas of interest summarized specific geographic observations on, near or crossing the common border between PSAPS for required Next Generation 9-1-1 GIS layers road centerline, site structure address points, and administrative boundaries including PSAP, Provisioning, emergency response for fire, emergency medical service and law enforcement. The geographic observations were gathered in a series of neighbor to neighbor WebEx sessions and conference calls comparing and discussing NG 9-1-1 data at the border supplemented by pre and post Webex session GIS data analysis and documentation.
Purpose Document area of interest polygons summarizing PSAP collaboration calls comparing Next Generation 9-1-1 required GIS layers at the border of neighboring public safety answering points as a deliverable for a Montana Land Information Grant conducted by Fallon PSAP in fiscal year 2018.
Supplemental Information
The polygon areas of interest were created by Geodata Services, Inc. derived from pre and post Webex session analysis of data provided by a some of the participating PSAPs, and from the most authoritative GIS data sources available for the required NG 9-1-1 data layers road centerline, site structure points and administrative boundaries. The areas of interest were modified and attributes populated based on the discussions between neighboring PSAPs in a series of Webex sessions held between February through April 2018. The areas of interest are general areas encompassing GIS data along the borders of the Fallon PSAP and were intended to generally include the data attributes of importance to the PSAPs in preparing their GIS data for Next Generation 9-1-1. The areas of interest attributes are primarily of interest to the participating PSAPS in their ongoing transition from Legacy 911 to NG 9-1-1 over the next several years. DISCLAIMER: The results of tis project were not authoritative, They were better described as exploratory. All areas of interest and specific data issues occurring along the common PSAP borders were not complete due to lack of authoritative data and varying stages of transition to NG 9-1-1. All the participating PSAPs were in various stages of preparation for NG 9-1-1. No counties had completed NG 9-1-1 GIS data at the time of this project, and only the North Dakota and South Dakota PSAPs had begun to transition from Legacy 911 to NG 9-1-1. Data sources were incomplete, and not every participating PSAP provided the most recent GIS data sources required for NG 9-1-1. Six of the PSAPs had local GIS staff and all of them participated in the Webex sessions. The remainder used state agencies or contracted GIS services for 911, and only one GIS contractor participated in the GIS sessions. A mixture of PSAP staff participated in the Webex sesions and contributed content including DES coordinators, sheriff offices, local addressing authorities and pother administrative staff. The areas of interest are of primary use by the participating PSAPS as they work through the transition from Legacy 911 to NG 9-1-1. All participants are advised to revisit and discuss the GIS data in each area of interest once they have prepared their NG 9-1-1 data and make authoritative decisions that require the neighboring collaboration. This work was based on the NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model NENA-STA-006.1-20181 . Fallon County provides this product/service for informational purposes only. Fallon County did not produce it for, nor is it suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Consumers of this information should review or consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the viability of the information for their purposes. Fallon County provides these data in good faith but does not represent or warrant its accuracy, adequacy, or completeness. In no event shall the Library be liable for any incorrect results or analysis; any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages to any party; or any lost profits arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data or the services provided.
Distributor Chuck Lee Department of Emergency Services Coordinator Fallon County
Box 846
Baker, MT 59313
Telephone: (406) 778-7121
Distribution liability This is not a survey product. No liability is assumed by Fallon County for the use of this product
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Metadata date 06/29/2018

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