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Data Category: Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure

The Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure is made up of fifteen “framework” geographic databases vital for making maps of Montana and understanding its geography. Seven of the databases are federally defined framework datasets and the other eight were selected as additional framework layers by the Montana Land Information Advisory Council (MLIAC).

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Rank Title Data Provider Data Status
1 Montana Geographic Names Framework Montana State Library MSDI Current
2 Montana Hydrography Framework (National Hydrography Dataset) U.S. Geological Survey MSDI Current
3 Montana Managed Areas Montana State Library MSDI Current
4 Montana Wetland and Riparian Framework Ecological Mapping, Monitoring and Analysis (EMMA) Group - University of Montana MSDI Current
5 Montana Wetland and Riparian Framework - Map Service Ecological Mapping, Monitoring and Analysis (EMMA) Group - University of Montana MSDI Current
6 Watershed Boundary Dataset for Montana U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Geospatial Center of Excellence MSDI Current
7 Montana Transportation Framework Montana State Library MSDI Current
8 Montana Incorporated Cities and Towns Montana State Library MSDI Current
9 Tribal Nations in Montana Montana State Library MSDI Current
10 Montana School Districts Montana State Library MSDI Current
11 State of Montana Boundary Montana State Library MSDI Current
12 Montana Weed Control Districts Montana State Library MSDI Current
13 Montana AddressLocator Geocoding Web Service Montana State Library MSDI Current
14 Mapping Control Database Montana State Library MSDI Current
15 Montana Cadastral Base Map Service (Web Mercator) Montana State Library MSDI Current
16 Montana Tax Increment Financing Districts Montana State Library MSDI Current
17 Montana County Boundaries Montana State Library MSDI Current
18 Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data for Montana U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service MSDI Current
19 Montana Conservation Easements Montana State Library MSDI Current
20 Montana Public Lands Montana State Library MSDI Current
21 Montana Roads Web Map Service Montana State Library MSDI Current
22 Montana Legislative Districts, 2014-2023 Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission MSDI Current
23 PLSS Framework CadNSDIV2_Montana Montana State Library MSDI Current
24 Montana Hydrography Framework (NHD) - WEB SERVICE U.S. Geological Survey MSDI Current
25 Montana Administrative Boundary Map Service Montana State Library MSDI Current
26 Montana NAIP Air Photo Dates, 2005-2021 USDA Farm Production and Conservation Business Center MSDI Current
27 Montana Geographic Names Framework Web Service (Web Mercator) Montana State Library MSDI Current
28 PLSSWebMerc Map Service Montana State Library MSDI Current
29 Montana Parcels Map Service (Web Mercator) Montana State Library MSDI Current
30 Montana Cadastral Framework Montana State Library MSDI Current
31 Montana Rural Fire District Boundaries Montana DNRC MSDI Current
32 Montana Managed Areas Map Service (Web Mercator) Montana State Library MSDI Current
33 Montana Public Lands Map Service (Web Mercator) Montana State Library MSDI Current
34 Montana Conservation Easements Map Service (Web Mercator) Montana State Library MSDI Current
35 Mapping Control Database Map Service Montana State Library MSDI Current
36 Montana Voting Precincts Montana State Library MSDI Current
37 Montana Lidar Data Collection Montana State Library MSDI Current
38 Montana Structures/Addresses Framework Montana State Library MSDI Current
39 Montana Congressional Districts, 2022-2030 Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission MSDI Current
40 SSURGO Soils Web Service (Web Mercator) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service MSDI Current
41 Montana Structures/Addresses Framework - Web Service Montana State Library MSDI Current
42 Montana Geographic Names Geocoder - Web Service Montana State Library MSDI Current
43 Montana 2021 NAIP Orthophotos USDA-FPAC-BC Farm Production and Conservation Business Center MSDI Current
44 Lidar Derived Building Footprints Montana State Library MSDI Current
45 Montana 2021 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service USDA-FPAC-BC Farm Production and Conservation Business Center MSDI Current
46 Montana Election Districts Montana State Library MSDI Current
47 Montana Legislative Districts, 2024-2032 Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission MSDI Current
48 Montana County Commissioner Districts Montana State Library MSDI Current
49 Montana Landcover Framework Montana Natural Heritage Program MSDI Current
50 Montana Ecogroups Spatial Analysis Lab MSDI Current
51 Montana Landcover Framework Map Service Montana Natural Heritage Program MSDI Current
Rank Title Data Provider Data Status
1 Montana 2005 NAIP Orthophotos and 2005/2006 Infrared Orthophotos U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
2 Montana 2009 NAIP Orthophotos U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
3 Montana 2011 NAIP Orthophotos Surdex Corporation MSDI Historic
4 Montana 2013 NAIP Orthophotos U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
5 Montana 2009 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service USDA-FSA-APFO Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
6 Montana 2011 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service USDA-FSA-APFO Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
7 Montana 2013 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service USDA-FSA-APFO Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
8 Montana 2015 NAIP Orthophotos U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
9 Montana 2005 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency (FSA), USDA Aerial Photography Field Office (APFO) MSDI Historic
10 Montana Landcover Framework Map Service Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP) MSDI Historic
11 Montana Landcover Framework (2010 - 2017) Montana Natural Heritage Program MSDI Historic
12 Montana 2017 NAIP Orthophotos U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
13 Montana 2019 NAIP Orthophotos U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
14 Montana 2019 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
15 Montana 2017 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic
16 Montana 2015 NAIP Orthoimagery - Web Service U.S. Dept of Agriculture Farm Services Agency Aerial Photography Field Office MSDI Historic

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