Milk/Marias/St Mary Wetland Assessments

Data Provider Montana Natural Heritage Program
Date 2010
Content Type applications
Abstract This web map application displays the public wetland assessments performed in the Milk, Marias, and St. Mary watersheds. In 2009, the MTNHP was awarded an EPA Wetland Program Development Grant to develop a long term rotating basin wetland monitoring, assessment and mapping program. The pilot project for the rotating basin assessment program took place in the Milk and the Marias watersheds located in north central Montana. Through this project a three-tiered assessment approach was developed and refined following the EPA's recommended framework for designing an effective monitoring strategy. This includes a Level 1 landscape scale assessment to determine the condition of the watershed, the integrity of the landscape in the wetland buffer, and the distribution and abundance of wetland types in a watershed. The approach also includes a Level 2 rapid assessment that evaluates the general condition of individual wetlands using field indicators and identifies specific stressors that correlate with wetland condition. Also, a Level 3 intensive soil and vegetation assessment is conducted that provides quantitative data that can be used to validate rapid wetland assessments, characterize wetland condition, and diagnose causes of degradation. Examples of intensive assessments include floristic quality assessment indices (FQI).
Purpose The wetland goal for Montana is no overall net loss of the state's remaining wetland resources as of 1989 and an overall increase in the quality and quantity of wetlands in Montana. To reach this goal, the Montana Wetland Council has developed a five-year (2008-2012) strategy, Priceless Resources: Strategic Framework for Wetland and Riparian Area Conservation and Restoration in Montana (2008-2012). The long term rotating basin wetland monitoring, assessment and mapping program directly addresses Strategic Direction #3: Mapping, Assessment, and Monitoring of the Montana wetlands and riparian strategic framework. The goal for this strategic direction is to provide decision-makers, resource managers, and the public with up to date statewide National Wetland Inventory and National Riparian Maps in digital format and asses the condition of the State's wetlands and riparian areas so that informative decisions can be made relating to their conservation and restoration.
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Users must assume responsibility to determine the usability of this data for their purposes. This data set is provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind. MTNHP makes no representations or warranties whatsoever with respect to the accuracy or completeness of this data set and assumes no responsibility for the suitability of this data set for a particular purpose; and MTNHP will not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of errors in this data set.
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Distributor Montana Natural Heritage Program
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800
Telephone: 406-444-5363
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Metadata date 07/23/2010

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