These data consist of the locations and photographs of features that effect stream conditions in the upper Big Hole River watershed of southwestern Montana. The data were collected in the field during the year 2005 by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks.The types of features inventoried included irrigation ditches, bridge crossings, corrals, fence lines, beaver dams, beaver ponds, flumes, former channel beds, side channels, automobile bodies, return flows, diversion structures, AquaRod stations, eroding stream banks, bank failure and collapses, channel intersections, obstructions, pools, riffles, staff gauges, rock riprap, berms, fords, fence crossings, culverts, debris piles, diversions, diversion structures, headgates, fish ladders, flumes, and livestock watering, feeding, and holding facilities.In addition to the inventoried features, there are layers giving the legal centroids of points of diversion from the water rights records of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation for 37 ranches in the area.The data were developed as part of a cooperative effort between state and federal agencies who were working together to benefit fluvial arctic grayling habitat. The data were housed at the Montana State Library and were available for viewing by project partners between 2007 and 2011 with an on-line mapping application at http://bigholewatershed.org. Their website is now: https://bhwc.org/