The Yellowstone River Conservation Districts Council commisioned the creation of several map datasets for the river corridor. In addition to aerial photo and digital elevation data described on the clearinghouse web site, the following vector geographic information system layers were created: - Planimetric road, buildings, structures, hydrography, and contour lines (2004 and 2007)
- Inventories of man-made physical features that modify the development of the river channel (assessments of various regions in 1950, 1954, 1973, 1976, 1999, 1995, 1999, and 2005 and a rapid aerial assessment of the entire river in 2001)
- Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) analysis based on 1948-2007 aerial photos
- Estimated 100-year inundation zone
- Historic river bank and river centerline posistions, 1950, 1976, and 1995, and 2001
- Riparian vegetation classification, 1950, 1976, and 2001
- Extent of Russian Olive trees, 2009
- Land Use, 1950s, 1976-77, 1999-2001, and 2012
- 1950s and 2001 Fisheries Habitat.