These maps are MrSID generation 4 images whose extents correspond to the 1:100,000 scale USGS quadrangles of Montana. The maps show public land ownership, selected federal and state managed areas, lakes, streams, roads, the Public Land Survey system, 50-foot contours, shaded relief, and selected buildings and structures. The maps were produced by the Montana State Library with the latest data that was available in January 2016. The map legend for the images is available at https://ftpgeoinfo.msl.mt.gov/Documents/Metadata/Reference100k.tif.The maps are also available as a statewide MrSID image and as a web mapping service.
Supplemental Information
The maps show airports, campgrounds, cemetery, fishing access sites, heliports, mines, schools, springs, towers, wells, bridges, stream gauges, summits, buildings, highways, roads, streets, railroads, runways, taxiways, 50-foot contours, shaded relief, rivers, streams, lakes, pongs, canals, ditches, glaciers, and wetlands. Land ownership is shown for the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, and Montana State Trust Lands. Other federal, state, and local government lands are shown without classification of the exact agency. Boundary lines are shown for counties, Indian reservations, federal wilderness areas, national forests, national monuments, special interest management areas, wild and scenic rivers, national wildlife refuges, state and federal wildlife management areas, BLM wilderness study areas, outstanding natural areas, state parks, and state forests. The public land survey township and range lines are shown.