Blaine County Roads

Data Provider GIS Specialist for Blaine, MT, GeoComm Inc., GIS Specialist for Blaine, MT
Date 06/29/2018
Content Type Offline Data
Abstract Road centerlines for Blaine, MT. Developed for emergency mapping. Attributes are based on NENA standards and are MSAG valid where applicable.
Purpose This data was created specifically for use in an emergency dispatch mapping software. The attributes will be used to interpolate wire line 9-1-1 caller locations.
Supplemental Information
Distributor GIS Specialist for Blaine, MT, GeoComm Inc., GIS Specialist for Blaine, MT
Telephone: 406-444-5354
TDD/TTY: Montana Relay 711
Fax: 406-444-0266
Distribution liability
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Metadata date 06/29/2018

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