Water Utility Overview 2020 — Browning, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana

Data Provider Blackfeet Tribal Transportation, Don White, Director
Date 11/30/1955 - 08/31/2020
Content Type Offline Data
Abstract This dataset represents water and sanitary sewer features — including water valves, hydrants, curbstops, mains, laterals, manholes, cleanouts, and discharge ponds— serving the community of Browning on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Glacier County, Montana.
Purpose A collection of both water and sanitary sewer features.
Supplemental Information
This information is provided as is for reference purposes only. The information contained within this publication was created with surveyed data and as built references to the extent available, not all locations were able to be field verified. The absence of data from this dataset does not indicate the lack of features in a particular location, but rather the location of information deemed reliable regarding that location.
Distributor Don White Director Blackfeet Tribal Transportation
660 All Chiefs Rd
Browning, MT 59417
Telephone: 4063387445
Distribution liability See access and use constraints information.
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Metadata date 08/31/2020

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