The Twin Bridges Database consists of town limits, water system infrastructure, wastewater infrastructure, stormwater drainage infrastructure, parks, and trails within the Town of Twin Bridges. Data layers are organized in a file geodatabase. The AutoCAD Feature Dataset contains the original AutoCAD layers. The BaseLayers Feature Dataset contains the TownLimits Feature Class. The Recreation Feature Dataset contains the Parks and Trails Feature Classes. The StormwaterSystem Feature Dataset contains the STSDropInlets, STSManholes, and STSPipe Feature Classes. The WastewaterSystem Feature Dataset contains the BlowOffValve, CleanOuts, IrrigationPivots, Lagoons, Lift Stations, Manholes, and WWPipe Feature Classes. The WaterSystem Feature Dataset contains the FireHydrants, Pipe, Valves, WaterTanks, and Wells Feature Classes.AutoCAD data of town infrastructure was scaled, rotated, shifted, and "rubbersheeted" to match parcel boundaries from the Montana Cadastral Framework created by the Montana State Library as closely as possible. Several additions were made from hard copy reports and town staff knowledge. The resulting data is for planning purposes only. Field surveys and other methods are needed to find exact locations of infrastructure.Updates to the original data posted to the State Library web site in 2015 were completed on May 30, 2016. The new Monuments layer was added. The FireHydrants, Pipe, Valves, Manholes, and WWPipe layers were updated.