Species Occurrence Data for Plant Species of Concern in Montana

Data Provider Montana Natural Heritage Program
Content Type Offline Data
Abstract The Species Occurrence (SO) records include information on the location, status, characteristics, numbers, condition, and distribution of Plant Species of Concern using established Natural Heritage Methodology developed by NatureServe and The Natural Heritage Network. A Species Occurrence (SO) is an area of land and/or water in which a species is, or was, present. An SO should have practical conservation value for the species as evidenced by potential continued (or historical) presence and/or regular recurrence at a given location. SO records are most commonly created for current or historically known occurrences of native species of conservation interest. They may also be created, in some cases, for extirpated occurrences. Plant Species Occurrences are based on Observations from the Montana Natural Heritage program's Botany Observation Database. In many cases, an SO will represent several Observations, or visits, to a given location.
Purpose The Species Occurrence (SO) data are collected and maintained by the Montana Natural Heritage Program using a standardized methodology to provide accurate and current biodiversity and conservation information to public and private agencies and individuals. The primary emphasis is on species that are rare or otherwise imperiled (Species of Concern). Uses of the data can include: natural resource management, conservation planning, environmental review, biological and ecological research, land acquisition, and economic development.
Supplemental Information Species Occurrences are updated on a continual basis as new data are received and reviewed.
Use of the Species Occurrence Data for Plant Species of Concern in Montana are governed by a signed data use agreement which is available upon request.
Distributor Montana Natural Heritage Program
P.O. Box 201800
Helena, MT 59620-1800
Telephone: 406-444-5363
Distribution liability The Element Occurrence database is a statewide inventory of KNOWN locations and conditions of sensitive species. Users need to recognize that parts of the state have not yet been inventoried. Thus an "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Nor does the presence of one element imply that other elements were surveyed for but not found. The Montana Natural heritage Program (MTNHP) products and services are based on biological data and the objective interpretation of those data by professional scientists. MTNHP does not advocate any particular philosophy of natural resource protection, management, development, or public policy. MTNHP has no natural resource management or regulatory authority. Products, statements, and services from MTNHP are intended to inform parties as to the state of scientific knowledge about certain natural resources, and to further develop that knowledge. They are not intended as natural resource management guidelines or prescriptions. Species range maps, habitat models, occurrence polygons, and other predictions of the spatial distribution of biological resources produced by MTNHP are objective extrapolations of credible data. They are intended to inform parties of the known occurrence or the likelihood of the presence of those resources, guide future surveys for those resources, and to test hypotheses regarding habitat quality and abundance. They are not intended to substitute for field-collected data, nor are they intended to be the sole bases for natural resource management decisions. We do not portray our databases as exhaustive or comprehensive inventories of rare species or of significant natural features. Field verification of the absence or presence of sensitive species will always be an important obligation of users of our data. The Montana Natural Heritage Program assumes no liability for the use or mis-use of this data
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Metadata date 08/04/2016

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