This is an ArcGIS Server Image Service that provides a three-band false color infrared image of the 2005/2006 National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) orthorectified digital aerial photos of Montana.Services available include: ArcGIS Server Image services, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) web coverage services (WCS), and OGC web map services (WMS). The image and web coverage services provide users direct access to the native GeoTIFF files and pixel data for geoprocessing and image analysis. The original GeoTIFF files are available by request from the State Library.Connection URLs for OGC services:
WCS: https://gisservicemt.gov/arcgis/rest/services/MSDI_Framework/NAIP_2005CIR/ImageServer/WCSServer
WMS: https://gisservicemt.gov/arcgis/rest/services/MSDI_Framework/NAIP_2005CIR/ImageServer/WMSServerThe 1 meter ground sample distance ortho images were rectified to a horizontal accuracy of within /- 5 meters of reference digital ortho quarter quads (DOQQs) from the National Digital Ortho Program (NDOP). This service is based on 3,977 false color infrared (IR) digital orthorectified photo images of Montana. Each image covers an area of 100 square kilometers (39 square miles) and is approximately 286 megabytes in size. The majority of images were acquired in summer 2005 and the remainder were acquired during summer 2006. The 2006 imagery roughly covers the following counties: Sheridan, Roosevelt, Richland, Dawson, Wibaux, Gallatin, Park, Sweet Grass, Prairie, Custer, Daniels, Fallon, Powder River, Carter, and Broadwater. There is also 2006 data in parts of Rosebud, Big Horn, Carbon, Madison, Meahger, Lewis and Clark, Judith Basin, Valley, McCone and Wheatland Counties.The 2005 aerial photos were collected coincidently with the natural color NAIP images acquired by the Farm Services Agency in support of planning and delivery of USDA programs.A shapefile showing the extent of each image file and the file names is available at https://ftpgeoinfo.msl.mt.gov/Data/Spatial/MSDI/Imagery/2005_NAIP/NAIP_2005_Infrared_Files.zip. This layer also contains a year field to show which images contain 2005 vs 2006 data. Dates of the 2006 images are not known.The image dates for 2005 imagery are given in a shapefile at https://ftpgeoinfo.msl.mt.gov/Data/Spatial/MSDI/Imagery/2005_NAIP/NAIP_2005_Color_Dates.zipPlease see https://msl.mt.gov/geoinfo/data/Aerial_Photos/NAIP_2005 for more information on NAIP 2005 and infrared 2006 data from the State Library.