Town of Dutton Water Utilities

Data Provider Matt Blassic, Great West Engineering
Date 05/24/2021
Content Type Offline Data
Abstract The AirReleaseValves feature class layer contains point-based locations of air release valves for the Town of Dutton. The CurbValves feature class layer consists of point-based locations of curb valves within the Town of Dutton. The FireHydrants feature class layer includes point data based on collected coordinates of fire hydrant locations in the Town of Dutton. The MainValves feature class layer includes point data based on collected coordinates of main valve locations in the Town of Dutton. The MeterPits feature class layer includes point data based on collected coordinates of meter pits in the Town of Dutton. The WaterLines feature class layer depicts wastewater piping infrastructure for the Town of Dutton. Piping was adjusted from CAD and verified by the town.
Purpose The purpose of the Town of Dutton GIS Database is to organize and maintain spatial data for the Town of Dutton, Montana.
Supplemental Information
This data provides general locations of infrastructure for planning purposes only. Field surveys or other methods are needed to find the exact locations of infrastructure. This data is provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind. The user assumes responsibility to determine the suitability of the data for their purposes. The Town of Dutton makes no representations or warranties whatsoever with the respect to the accuracy or completeness of this dataset and assumes no responsibility for the suitibility of this dataset for the particular purpose; and the town will not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of errors in this dataset.
Distributor Jeremiah Kjensmo Clerk/Public Works Division Town of Dutton
11 Main Street
Town of Dutton, Montana 59601
Telephone: 406-476-3311
Distribution liability See access and use constraints information.
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Metadata date 05/24/2021

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